:::: MENU ::::

Personal Shopper


I found a perfect side hustle for me on Friday. Stumbled upon the opportunity when I was looking for client leads in the local paper. Called and hired on the spot. I am now a personal shopper.

I have one client. He’s a housebound older man. The weekly duties will be doing his grocery shopping and picking up to go meals at a local restaurant. Just once a week.

personal shopper at grocery store
The pay is $35 per trip. Today his grocery shopping and delivery took less than one hour.

He’s also asked if I will take him to the doctor or stop at other local stores on occasion. For an additional fee, of course.

I’m really excited. Not only do I get to help someone who needs it, but also make a little extra money.

Maybe I can pick up some additional personal shopper clients as I get up and running! Yeah!

Plan #5: Emergency Fund & Credit Card


After I spent of the bulk of last year getting back on my feet and establishing a healthy savings account, I began to diligently tackle my debt again. Creating mini-plans really worked for me.

You can see those plans here:

Now it’s time for a new plan.

Plan #5 Details

I appreciate your comments on my recent debt update. I felt really good about where I am right now after that update. Posting here so regularly is really helping keep me accountable and on track!

With that being said, I am ready to focus on my next mini-plan. It is two-fold.

Pay off Self Lender

With a balance due of just $291, one good month of income will have it settled. And because Self Lender is essentially a savings account, I will receive a minimum of $1,100 back.

This will become my emergency fund. Starting me off on the right foot for this chapter in my debt payoff journey.

piggy bank

Hopefully, I can pay this off in July and be done with it. Because this is such a small, but large step at the same time, I am making this plan twofold.

Pay off My Credit Card

The big part of my plan is to pay off my credit card. Its balance has hovered right around $5,000 for years now.

For most the past year, I have paid it off every month, but then turned around and used it to pay monthly obligations, buy groceries, etc. This way I paid little to no interest, but never really got out from under the debt.

My plan for paying it off is this:

  • Emergency fund of $1,100 established, so I will not focus on any savings right now.
  • Pay minimum on all other debts and cover monthly obligations. (Except for the extra $92 I pay every month towards the car.)
  • Anything extra will go towards the credit card.
  • And probably, most importantly, I will stop using the credit card EXCEPT for gas. (Because of the abundance of times my checking account has been cleared out, I use the credit card for gas.)

Because my income fluctuates greatly these days, this process could takes anywhere from a couple of months to several months. All depends on the number of projects I can pick up and complete.

Tell me, what am I missing? Are there other suggestions you would make for this plan?