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The Older I Get, the Less I Want


As I was purging my closets and kitchen this past weekend, I had a lot of time to evaluate life and what’s to come. And the big thing I’ve come to realize that the more I live, the more I’ve moved, the less and less material possessions mean to me. Yet I’ve continued to move them around with us.

This was especially relevant when I began moving the boxes and boxes of pictures I have been toting around since I was in high school. Picture that…the little kids and I have moved over 12 times since my husband and I split up. I’ve moved these boxes each time. And I’m not sure I opened them even once.

Recording My Memories

Now don’t get me wrong, those memories are important to me. But I’ve decided to give myself a deadline this time AND NO MORE MOVES for these picture boxes!

As we were emptying the shelving units in the living room, History Buff began looking at the scrapbooks I have completed. And that’s when it hit me, my kids will not know what all these pictures are unless I tell them.

So my DEADLINE is January 2nd, 2020. I am going to sort through the pictures, only keeping the ones that are relevant. I will be putting them in a picture album with a notecard on the relevance of the pictures – who’s in it, what it/they meant to me, etc.

Not only will this leave a legacy for my kiddos someday, but it will also help me continue towards the true minimalist lifestyle I want to pursue.

Any pictures/boxes that I have not sorted by the deadline…they will get tossed. After so many years of being boxed up and moved around, will I really notice if they are gone?

What about you? Do you have items you have been toting around with you? Things you keep for sentimental value and nothing else? Do they something feel like an anchor?

An Uber Productive Weekend


Instead of using my “kid free” weekend as a staycation or going somewhere or even spending a dime…I’ve been uber productive! And I feel so good about it.

While this doesn’t really directly affect my debt journey, I did have some time to be in my head and really evaluate our living situation.

Marking Off My To Do List

But first, what I got done…

  1. Cleaned out and purged the kitchen cabinets. While I didn’t have a great deal of food to get rid of, but I did check the dates on everything and purged our seasonings.

  1. Cleaned out our medicine cabinet. It was LONG overdue. Now I’ve got to make the time to drop off expired meds at the local police department for safe disposal.
  2. Cleaned out the hall closet where we keep extra bedding, winter clothes, etc. We had purged this one pretty good last time, but I did organize things so we can easily see what we have.
  3. Began cleaning out my closet. Going to have to finish this one when I get to set up the new living room because some of the items stored here will be moved to the shelves in the new and improved living room.
  4. Began moving bedroom furniture, etc. out of the living room as we prepare to have a true living room for the first time in over 4 years…I am so excited!

The twins are going to be switching spaces this week as Sea Cadet prepares his stuff to stay in storage. He is only allowed to take a duffel bag and back pack with him.

Still Working on It

I’ve still got a few more things to tackle on my to do list before I pick up Princess from camp this Friday. But I am feeling very accomplished from this weekend. And feel like our home will be in the best shape it’s been on by the end of this week. After two years here, it is ready for a good purge!

I have to admit I did procrastinate quite a bit this week, but once I got started…well, it feels great! Do you have a project you’ve been putting off starting? I encourage you to just dive in and get going? You will feel so good afterward!