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Making Lists Keeps Me Focused


Are you a procrastinator? In the past, I would have answered “Absolutely not!” If a task was assigned, I tackled it.

Now…not so much. And I believe it’s tied to the ginormous amount of stress in my life.

While I am taking steps to eliminate some of that stress, much of it is inevitable. Isn’t that the truth for us all?

Procrastination and Stress

A quick search on the internet let me know very quickly that I am no the only person experiencing this phenomenon. And everyone has a suggestion for resolving the issue.  These were some of my favorite resources:

  • Does Procrastination Cause Stress? And Vice Versa? I love, love, love her suggestions for dealing with it! Her solutions include: managing or rather your time better, staying in the moment and accepting that stress is part of life. It’s normal.
  • The Procrastination Problem I appreciate how this writer broke down the different types of procrastination. It is not the same for everyone. And it was eye opening to see that addressing the root causes, moving forward can help with a sense of achievement and self confidence, definitely something I need to work on.
  • Procrastination: Wasting Our Time and Increasing Our Anxiety We all know that waiting until the last minute causes an unnecessarily high amount of stress. Even for those of us that think we work well under pressure. The first recommendation in this article is where I started to address this issue for myself…Lists.

Making Lists

Making lists has always been my thing. I make to do list, gratitude lists, prayer lists, chore lists, grocery lists…you get the point. You could find lists for just about everything going on in my life. It keeps me sane and organized.

While I typically have my lists on my phone in different apps like Asana or on the whiteboards in our kitchen, there is definitely something to be said or hand-written lists.

money making task list

My current motivational list – Make Money!

I have found that I am much more productive and less likely to waste my work time if I have a Money Making Task list front and center when I sit down at my desk. These are all client tasks that I can do and make some money.

Since I am hyper focused on my finances and supporting my kids, this incentivizes me to get to work. Rather than checking things on Facebook or browsing the internet based on random dreams or thoughts.

Making a new list every night as I wrap up work, keeps it fresh and starts my work day focused on making money.

What tools or processes do you use when stress overcomes you or you find yourself procrastinating?

Reel Lawn Mower – Lawn Woes No More


I made a leap into relieving some of the on-going stress yesterday! My new “Hope”-powered lawn mower, otherwise known as a Reel Lawn Mower arrived.

I assembled it and immediately cut the front yard. Rested a bit (it was over 100 outside) and then cut the side yard. No more lawn woes for this girl!

Why I Choose a Reel Lawn Mower

If you remember from my post in June, I was leaning towards an electric mower. I hadn’t even thought of going with a reel mower then.

But with encouragement from the BAD community of slew of internet searches and some Home Depot visits – reel seemed to be the best option for me.

The determining factors were:

  • The upfront cost was significantly less.
  • We have a pretty small, mostly level yard.
  • Lawn mower maintenance has been the bane of my existence EVERY SINGLE WEEK since grass cutting season started.
  • No gas, no carburetor, no oil changes.
  • No plugging in, no cords.
  • American Lawn Mower seems to have a great reputation.
  • All I need is WD-40 for weekly maintenance!

I would like to add the “greener” advantage to that list, but it was not a factor I considered. I needed easy and reliable.

It’s really comical how excited I am about this new purchase. And how excited I am to finally be able to maintain my own yard as I have wanted to all year.

Finances of My New Lawn Mower

My grandmother called me right as I finished mowing yesterday, and when I told her I had just mowed her response was “with what?” I could hear the shock in her voice when I said “my brand new lawn mower!”

She graciously loaned me her lawn mower, one of the two FREE lawn mowers we have to use, that I cannot keep running.

new reel lawn mower by American Lawn Mower

The two gas powered lawn mowers have now been replaced by my handy, dandy American Lawn Mower Reel Mower

The new reel lawn mower cost $69 before tax. It is a 14″ wide version, with 5 blades and 10″ wheels. There was a slightly cheaper version with 4 blades and 8.5″ wheels. I decided the extra $5 was worth it.

While I would have preferred a wider option, the difference in cost was over $30+. I decided a few extra laps of the yard would pay off in healthy benefits more than spending more money right now.

Now I must acquire a bottle of WD-40, which I don’t think will cost me more than a few dollars and last a long time.

I am proud of myself. That is such a good feeling.

What decision have you made, that might be silly to others, but makes you feel good about yourself?