:::: MENU ::::

Health Insurance for the Win!


Well, God sure does work in mysterious ways. I finally break down and cough up the money to get health insurance in December. It takes effect on January 1.

And I get hit with a cough that won’t quit right at the beginning of January. I finally broke down and went to an urgent care at the beginning of last week. Evidently, it was just a bronchitis type thing and would have probably cleared itself up had I just waited it out. But after being miserable and unproductive for several weeks, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

The meds being covered paid for the insurance. Woot, woot!

Here we are over a week and a half later, I’ve completed the antibiotics and steroids. The cough still lingers a bit. But I am able to function and sleep again. Hallelujah!

Now to get back on the horse…

In the meantime, I’ve picked up 3 new, small ongoing contracts through Upwork for website, SEO, and general digital marketing work. I’ve had a first round interview for a corporate job. (Crossing fingers that I get a call back for round two.)

And I am targeting putting the house on the market towards the end of February. More on that later.

I may have been sick, but I have not been idle. Just really, really slow.

I will say that being unemployed for the most part is a very, very different feeling when you are only responsible for yourself. The bills are covered for February and I’ve now got some cash flow.

I’ll keep you updated, but just wanted to jump on and let you know what was going on.


    • Reply Hope |

      Yes, indeed. And I’m planning to put the dental insurance to work next month and get a cleaning.
      Scary what excites me these days. I mean, who gets excited to go to the dentist. 🙂 It’s the little things.

  • Reply Ms.b214 |

    i’m sorry that you are sick. Glad you finally went to a doc, although you seem to be implying it was useless.

    However, we had posts about finding yourself with an empty nest. But moving home with dad?

    • Reply Hope |

      I was actually meaning to imply that insurance has paid for itself, definitely worthwhile!

      I do have a empty nest and have been miserable here. I am not moving “home” because where my dad lives is not my home. I am leaving my stuff in storage here in Georgia and going to see where the wind blows…for work, help my parents for a while, explore different parts of the country, etc.

So, what do you think ?