by Hope
My house is on the market. It’s currently listed FSBO with a notice that I will pay buyer’s agents 3%. I’ve identified the agent who will take over the listing at the end of February if it’s not under contract by the time I leave for Texas. The process of moving is not easy. And this is the first move I’ve done by myself in over 24 years.
It’s been physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. The memories that were made here. Dreams that were dreamed. Heartbreaks that happened. And so much success was achieved here.
When I bought this house, I thought I would live here forever. It’s been a really hard dream to let go of. And yes, I know this is 100% my choice. I own it, and I believe this is the right move for a plethora of reasons.
The Floors
You will be happy to know that I came to the realization that refinishing the floors would not give me a good ROI, as you all suggested. And with me continuing to be sick (cough that won’t quit), it was just more than I could take on. So I have conceded that I may end up needing to give an concession on the floors with an offer. I will cross that bridge when it comes to it.
As of today, new baseboards are going on. My neighbor across the street is helping me for a very reasonable fee. I am so grateful.
The Interest
I’ve already had 5 interested parties. Some of them are pretty funny coincidences. But no offers to date. I mean, it has only been a couple of days. I have it listed on Facebook Marketplace and Zillow, both free to list. The realtor will pay for advertisement and listing it on MLS at the end of the month.
I’ve had 2 realtors reach out and get agreements signed about the percentage I’m paying should they show it and come with a buyer who closes.
I’m ready to go. I’m ready to be done with this phase. I’m emotionally drained. And ready to hit the road and see where the wind blows.
Sidenote: I know BAD hates my kitchen so here’s yet another picture for you to groan over. But the response of those who have actually seen the house (even without me here) has been overwhelmingly positive. It really is pretty in person and very practical and open. I really do love it. I will do something similar in my next home but not as bright of yellow for sure.