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One more week…


School is out in one week. My crazy life schedule will come to a grinding halt. The lack of car will no longer be an issue for a while. And I can’t be more excited.

I’m looking forward to sleeping in a bit later, not rushing out the door every morning to get Princess to school and afternoons free of car pool duty and rushing from one thing to another.

Summer Plan

Our summer plans are set…Princess will go to camp for two weeks in June (already paid for) and then we will leave for a 10 day trip to Texas (just she and I this time.) I have already paid for our airplane tickets so now just have a small amount budgeted for this trip. We will return with my mom and Gymnast in tow for the remainder of the summer until school starts back August 1st.

At this point, Gymnast is going to remain in IL with his dad for the next school year. As hard as it has been to let him go, the relief to my time has been ginormous…going from 2 hours a day in the car and 4 hours sitting at Starbucks while he practiced to nothing, well, it’s been nice.

Finances for the Summer

But the reality is, my summer will most likely be the cheapest it has ever been. The twins are both working, paying some of their own bills and all of their own entertainment…and work is pretty steady for me.

Without a car, I have gotten in the habit of walking 3-4 miles a day…mostly to my Grandmother’s to visit or when I need to borrow her car for one reason or another. And I pass the community pool on that walk. I asked Princess if she would be interested in joining the pool this summer, and she declined.

With the increase in work, lower cost of summer and just general stillness of this summer, I am hopeful that my financial security will grow. What are your summer plans? Any activities that you are budgeting for?

A Big Weight Off


I’ve mentioned before that I do my forecasting out a quarter at a time. (It’s just a simple Excel spreadsheet.) I include all my regularly budgeted items, any extras I know about (birthdays, holidays, travel, etc.) and my income based on current contracts with clients.

As I continue to go full speed ahead with debt payoff, I spent some time this weekend creating my forecast through the end of the year. And you will never guess what…

I am finally at a place of stability again…by that I mean, if I maintain all my current on-going contracts, I will make enough to cover all my currently budgeted for expenses for the rest of this year!

That is such a weight off my shoulders, especially as we have been living paycheck to paycheck for so long. Obviously, there are no guarantees, but right now, my financial situation is stable, my income streams are varied and I am very hopeful for the long term.

The Caveat

There are a few caveats to this and one is glaringly obvious, at least to me:

I do not have a car, car payment, fuel costs or car insurance in my budget. (Well, I do have car insurance but it is minimal since Sea Cadet and I are both insured on his car.) That will have to change in the next couple of months somehow.

But for now…I can breathe. And I don’t have to count every single penny, although I am.

Switching to a cash only budget has made a big difference to me. There’s something about seeing the dollars in my purse dwindle that keeps me from spending on things that are wants rather than needs.

There is definitely something about seeing positive numbers in my forecasting and money in the bank that is very motivating. What keeps you motivated?