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Motivating Mom!


While I do not follow the Dave Ramsey plan, I am a member of several Dave Ramsey Facebook groups. I found them very educational and sometimes, like this, super motivating!! This is a recent post to the group by another single mama. (At least I’m assuming she’s a single mom since the post is from a Single Parent Dave Ramsey Group. I don’t know her personally.)

motivation from another mother
Wow! That’s all I could say after reading her post. A full time job and several part time side hustles. Way to go, mama!

I’ve seen more and more posts regarding donating plasma. Does anyone in the BAD community do this to earn extra cash? Personally, I’m pretty scared of needles. But I’m also pretty motivated to pay off my debt (and save money to purchase a car.) I would love to hear about your experiences with this.

I am now entering my “kid free” two weeks while Princess is at camp. (Yes, I know the twins are both still here, but with them being 20, in school full time and working part time, well, I’m still considering this my kid free time.) Once again, I have divided the house up to do a thorough purge, clean up and rearrangement over the next two weeks.

Last year, I hoped to really take a vacation during this two week period, but in all my growing, I now realize that the money I would have spent on that…well, that would have been a very bad decision. So, no vacation, no extra money spent. Go me. Another proud moment!

How’s Your One Debt Challenge Going?


Remember our June challenge…one debt, paid off this month…how’s it going?

  • Have you found small ways to save money to put toward your debt?
  • Have you made any extra payments toward your debt?
  • How are you feeling about this challenge? Are you still in or has life happened and knocked you for a loop?

My goal is to finish off paying off my credit card. While the high balance has been $5,000, at the beginning of this month, I had it down to $2,000. And I switched to cash only spending to prevent me from adding to the balance at all.

This week I will make a $600 payment toward the balance. Woot, woot! With 2/3 of the month still to go, I’m still fighting to earn the additional $1,400 I will need to get it to a $0 balance.

I want to hear how your June challenge is going. How can I support you?