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Last Carnival Reminder


The Carnival of Debt Reduction will be here on Monday. If you are a blogger, please get your submissions in soon!

NOTE: I have been looking at the submissions and a lot of them are articles about saving money or making money. Some of them don’t even contain the word “debt.” That information is great, but this carnival is about debt reduction. Articles must be related to debt reduction to be included front and center in this carnival.


What Started as a Joke Turned into $40K/year


There are certain types of stories that I am drawn to. One type involves regular people who have an idea and have it blossom beyond their wildest dreams. I recently found one about a woman who created website as a joke.

Imagine her surprise when she started receiving emails from people wanting to order products on her site.

What is she selling? Assorted sizes of tumbleweeds.

Linda Katz finds her tumbleweeds right outside of her house and she is making thousands of dollars a year as income from them.

…the orders just kept coming — an average of 15 per week. Though she’s coy about her annual income from tumbleweed wrangling, she says it is over $40,000 a year.

[Via People of the Web Story (warning – a video will start right after the page loads)]

I imagine the press her company has received lately will help bring that income up a little bit. Even if it stayed at $40K/year, that’s pretty good money from something that started out as a joke!