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Heart-Felt Thank You


Thank you for all of your kind words, prayers, and offers of advice and support on my last post. Some of you commented on how my writing seemed very straight-forward and unemotional, so I must be handling it well.

As I’m sure you can imagine (especially those who have been through it), it’s a full roller coaster of emotions. And I never quite know when I wake up in the morning how I’ll be feeling by the time I go to sleep that night.

Hubs and I have been together for a long time. We started dating when I was 18 (he was 20). I’m turning 35 this year. That’s 17 years. Half my lifetime.

I wanted to find a pic of us in our first apartment, circa 2005, but my photo storage on my computer only goes back to 2011 and I wasn’t willing to dig up old jump drives to find an images so here’s a picture of us at the Rainbow Bridge in southern Utah, 2011.

It’s heart-breaking, really.

BUT, I SOOOOOOOOO appreciate all of your comments on my last post. It’s made me take the next step to seek legal counsel. I was planning to try to do a DIY separation agreement, but so many people commented on the legalities of moving out and “abandoning” the marital residence, etc. I don’t think hubs would try to screw me over in any way, but as some of you commented, “An amicable separation is amicable…until it’s not.” And others also pointed out that, during this difficult time, if I can hire an attorney to complete the legal paperwork and forms rather than putting myself through that emotional wringer on top of everything else….well then it’s probably money well spent.

So I’m calling around to set up an initial consultation with a lawyer or two sometime in the next week. I did already sign a lease and have an expected move-out day of 9/1, so I don’t have time to waste – I need to act fast.

In the meantime, I found some comfort in these words…

Nature can sure be beautiful. When something knocks you over, it’s not the end of the world. Get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going and growing.

Thanks again!



No More Universal or Netflix


I recently published my latest budget. And frankly, I’m pretty proud of how thorough it is.

While the categories are general, they work for our life. And I know my numbers are right after months of tracking every penny spent after reading Your Money or Your Life.

As I was doing some planning, looking back and looking forward, I remembered my Universal and Netflix line items on my last budget update. And I never gave an update on my decisions for those two items.

Universal Passes Cancelled

With Universal, I completed my year long commitment and cancelled the passes. I struggled with it for a little while as I was holding on to my dream of how I want things to be, or the life I thought I would have. But in the end, I know it was the right decision financially. And more importantly is reflective of our life changes.

I can no longer cling to the lifestyle I hoped for. I have to accept the life we lead now. Rather, I do accept the life we lead now. And I’m now able to embrace that in all aspects. Cancelling the Universal passes was just a sign of that growth and change in me.


I cancelled our Netflix subscription in June, just before the kids left for camp. While it was not cost prohibitive, it was no practical anymore. The kids were going to be gone a great deal over the summer with camp, trip to Texas and sports training. I decided it just made sense to take a break.

We’ve rented Redbox movies a couple of times but have otherwise been without any “TV” type entertainment this summer. To be honest, I’m not sure we miss it at all.

That being said, Princess has recently asked if I would get Netflix back. Evidently there’s some new seasons or series she would like to watch. I’m considering it.

TV Alternatives

Cancelling Netflix and Universal shaved right at $70 off my monthly budget. And we haven’t missed them. But during the winter months…it’s nice to have something to veg out too.

We haven’t had cable since 2007 when my husband and I split. Over the years we have had Netflix, Amazon Prime and used free TV channel apps on our iPads and computers, along with an occasional DVD rental from the library or Redbox.

While I’m not sure that’s the norm, I definitely think it’s a growing trend. Do you have TV service? What about the TV alternatives? What is your favorite and why?