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In an Ideal World


When I first began interviewing for my new job, I knew I was going to have to negotiate a salary. And for the first time ever, I left my heart out of it. I did not focus on how much the business could afford or being reasonably priced to get the job.

I knew I wanted this job. But I also have finally learned my own worth. I have 20+ years experience in my field, extensive amounts of study, skills, certifications, and testimonials. I bring a lot to the table professionally.

But I have always SUCKED at figuring out what to charge for my services. And notoriously I have low balled because of my empath tendencies and lack of confidence, but I was determined not to do that this time. Or ever again.

So I started with a budget. In an ideal world, pie in the sky, what do I NEED to bring home and what do I WANT to bring home financially. Obviously, we all want to bring home a million dollars a year. Or even $200,000. However, this budget was based on my needs and then my wants. And being reasonable.

This is what I came up with.

Ongoing Expenses
PayeeMonthly Amt
Cloud Storage$6
Car Insurace$500
QuarterlyMonthly Amt
Pest Control$27
Car Maintenance$100
AnnualMonthly Amt
Social Curator$25
Microsoft Office$9
Dog Health$100
Ongoing Mo Expenses$3,196
Debt Pymts$2,744
Monthly Must Have$5,940
Savings GoalsMonthly Amt
Kid's Birthdays$84
New Car$300
Savings Goal$1,468
Monthly Want to Have$7,408

Ideal Income

This led me to the starting point of my salary negotiation.

I must make $3,196 for just day to day living expenses + $2,744 to keep making minimum+ payments on my debt (i.e. make progress to paying it off) = $5,940 per month take home pay.

I want to make an additional $1,468 per month to hit my savings goals, which equaled $7,408 per month in take home pay.

Knowing that I needed to leave room for negotiation and being a contractor which adds additional taxes to my income, I started my salary negotiation at $10,000 per month. And praying to hit $8,000.

As we talked hours, availability, job description, terms, we finally settled on the $6,000 figure for 20 hours per week per month for 6 months.

I was so freaking happy after this past year. And so immensely proud of myself.

The Start of Something New

I am now two weeks into my new role, and I LOVE it. My brain is being challenged again. I am getting to help build a team. And we are striving to hit BIG GOALS. And the owner/my boss is an amazing human to work for and someone I really admire professionally. (We worked together several years ago.)

I am praying that this role will continue, but it is certainly dependent on me meeting some lofty goals. I’m up for it though. But either way, I just know that this is the start of something new for me. And the mental health affect of this new job, challenge, especially after last year has been amazing. It’s so nice to be so motivated and hopeful again.

If you are an expert at salary negotiation, I would love your feedback. Because I am really bad at it. Really bad. But this was a really big step for me.

6 Benefits to Look for When Accepting a Position at a New Company


Landing a position at a new company can be exciting. Not only is it often a time for you to begin earning more money, but it can also provide exciting opportunities in your existing career path. The next time you’re approached for a potential position, there are a few things to look for that will offer you peace of mind and a sense of security.

1. Insurance

You’ll always want to find a position that not only offers security but also insurance. With the rising costs of health and medical insurance, be sure to inquire about insurance options, especially if you’re interested in accepting a full-time job. You should also take a bit of time to compare various insurance providers to find the best offerings for you before accepting a position.

2. Retirement and Social Security Plans

In the 1930’s, Social Security was a social insurance program that was introduced and initiated by the federal government to protect its workers long-term while ensuring economic safety well into their retirement years. When you’re determined to guarantee the best outcome for your future, you’ll want to do so by verifying that you will also be contributing to your retirement and social security plans. Working with a financial advisor is always best when you want to ensure you are helping your money go as far as possible.

3. Vacation and PTO

While you’re interviewing for a full-time or salaried position, inquire about vacation time and PTO, or Paid Time Off. This will help you compare various positions and offerings. Choosing a job with the most vacation time, PTO, and flexible policies will bring you the most satisfaction over time.

4. Workplace Perks and Benefits

A properly installed and maintained dental bridge has the ability to last up to 15 years in total with proper oral hygiene and at-home care, according to Weekend Dentistry. You will want to find a workplace that offers insurance, dental, and eye care when you intend to work for a company for years, if not decades, to come. Inquire about exams and coverage types from each employer before you opt to accept a position or offering at a new company.

5. A Path to Succeed

If you want to succeed in your new position or company, you will want to ensure there is a path to succeed based on the vision you have for your career. If you’re taking on a new position or job that only provides lateral moves and opportunities, the role may not be for you. This is why it’s essential to carve out a vision you have for yourself as a professional before you finalize any decision you’re presented with professionally.

6. Family Planning Benefits and Assistance

Some companies offer maternity and paternity leave for new parents. Others offer surrogacy assistance to those interested in becoming a surrogate mother. To become a surrogate mother, you must be between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify, according to Elevate Baby. If you’re thinking of having a baby or if you’re interested in working as a surrogate mother, you’ll need to speak candidly with any prospective employer ahead of time.

Whenever you’re thinking of accepting a position at a new company, there are a few benefits you should always look for that will help you long-term, fiscally, and even career-wise. The more familiar you are with your options, competitive salaries, and even insurance options on the market, the easier it’ll be for you to maintain the upper hand once it’s time for you to begin working for a new company or accepting a brand-new position altogether. Whether your goal is to make more money, increase your time and flexibility, or you simply want to be creative in your position, you can do so once you know what to look for, once it’s time to begin submitting applications and completing interviews.