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Little Rewards for Big Financial Steps…


In case you missed it… We paid off our credit card last week. We’re still working on my husband’s truck loan and the student loan but we promised ourselves little rewards for each payoff. It’s a good way to stay motivated when finishing a long stretch before starting yet another long stretch. Surprisingly, my husband […]

Debt Update…


Here are the current numbers (I’ll work on getting the sidebar updated): Total Starting Debt: $38,495.86 Total Paid: $16,727.33 Total Remaining: $21,768.53 Breakdown of Remaining Debt – Truck: $11,934.57 Student Loan: $9,833.96 We’re nearly halfway there. I got an updated payoff date according to our Debt Snowball Calculator on DaveRamsey.com… December 2010. We shaved off […]