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Feeling Blessed


We are not out of the woods yet. Contract work can be unpredictable. But we are definitely making headway. But there have been a few things latest that have left me feeling blessed.

A month or so back, I wrote about starting my day with gratitude and how much I really need that to keep my mental state from falling into a pit of despair at times. A lot of times really.

Feeling Blessed

Over the last couple of weeks, there have been some real highlights that made me feel very blessed.

  • The lady from the shelter who watches our dogs in our home when we travel. She comes over twice a day, keeps them on their schedule and loves them for free. And when you are gone for 8 days as we were most recently, that is a big blessing.
  • The BAD reader who referred a new website/Amazon marketplace client to me. Thank you, Sarah!
  • A local man who came over and spent hours on my lawn as I felt overwhelmed with all the overgrowth and lack of proper tools. In exchange, I helped him set up his new phone and move all his data.
  • Princess made the VARSITY high school volleyball team…1 of 12 out of 68 girls.
  • My parents are hosting Gymnast this month, spending quality time with him as know one ever has before.

The list just goes on and on. But what I’m finding then every time I’m on the cusp of falling apart, wondering how I’m going to do it, there’s a sign, a blessing, a message that I am not alone.

Giving Back

The topic so giving back and charity has popped it’s head up several times over the years here at BAD.

With this latest slew of blessings in my own life, I wanted to find a way to give back. But I’m not in a financially stable place where I can just write a check.

Thinking Outside the Box

When our dogs’ caretaker came over Monday to return our house key, it hit me. I can do what she does for us. I could help others with their animals on a one off basis.

If I had to pay to board our dogs, it would be $45 per night minimum. Thankfully as a foster, all costs are covered. But I’m sure there are pet owners out there, like we were, that cost tips the scales for. Giving up our pets a few years ago was the 2nd hardest thing I’ve ever done (after pulling Gymnast out of gymnastics this summer.)

I thanked her profusely for what she does for us and our beloved dogs, and then told her if she ever knew someone who needed the same type of service, and she couldn’t do it, I would like to pay it forward.  Since she works at the shelter, I figured she would hear about these kind of situations.

I put my offer out there and we will see what happens!

I encourage you to find some “outside the box” way to give back today. It doesn’t have to be big, but you never know how your one act of kindness can bless someone else.  I, for one, cling to these blessings as lifelines in my darkest moments.

What do they say…Be the change you want to see in the world today.


  • Reply Sue |

    I think at least half of any battle, including financial, is mental and you are really making a difference with the positive attitude you have adopted!!! May it rub off on me!!!!

    • Reply Hope |

      Hi Sue,
      Thank you! I think you are right. It is definitely a struggle though. I look forward to the day when I’m not quite so hyper focused on my financial state and can relax just a tiny bit. But for now…just keep stepping forward, one foot at time!
      Thanks for your support, it is greatly appreciated!

So, what do you think ?