:::: MENU ::::

And BAM, another DEBT GONE!!!


The twins both had plans all day today. Sea Cadet is doing his clinicals with work in a local hospital and ride alongs with the ambulance. History was working all day. And Princess enjoyed a down day in her room. I got a ton of stuff done:

  • I meal prepped for the week.
  • Cleaned my room and did laundry.
  • Caught up on work.
  • Played with the dogs.
  • Watched a show on Amazon Prime.
  • Took a nap.
  • Logged on and paid off my tax debt.

BOOM! Yes, you read that right. Another debt bites the dust!

And the exciting news is that I think by the end of the month, I will be down to my last three debts…

  • Student Loan
  • Car Payment
  • Credit Card

And I believe, I will have a good payment toward my credit card.

I didn’t actually review my finances. But I knew I had enough stocked away from #nospendjanuary and I just wanted that debt gone, so I just paid it! And that in itself felt amazing!

Man, it feels good. This is the final financial tie to my ex-husband. And while I won’t get the letter in the mail for a week or two. That burden is gone.

It’s been almost 12 years since we split up. And it has been hard financially. Looking back there are so many things I would have done differently. Well, maybe, as I was fearful and felt so guilty for failing at my marriage. I remained that way for a long time.

But I do wish I had bitten the bullet and gotten a lawyer from the get go. (I filed our divorce paperwork and did all the paperwork myself.) But it is finally over…over…over! It really does feel like this is a turning point in my life. Shaking that burden I have carried for so long. Now, I am only responsible for me, my choices and my debt. And that is like a breathe of fresh air.

Watch out world, Debt Free Hope is coming!!!!

Staycation Ideas


It has been a crazy month already. And I haven’t had a minute to sit down and look at my finances!

The good news is that the monies accumulated last month during #nospendjanuary are still just sitting there. As are most of February earnings.

I’ve decided to wait until the end of this month to make any big decisions. It’s been an emotional week with Sea Cadet’s health crisis, and Princess is out of school this coming week.

So, I need some free Staycation Ideas! She’s going to make some plans with friends, but I’d like to spice up the week with some unique fun ideas.

Any seasoned Staycationers here? Would like some ideas that will break up our normal routine in some fun but super cheap, even free ways!

I’ve been looking at ideas online and found it funny that some many business sites have articles on it:

I like the idea of a DIY project and getting outside a bit. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain all week.

We are doing great on not eating out. And in general, have not spent a great deal outside of monthly expenses. And I’m determined not to blow it this upcoming week.

What about you? Did Valentine’s blow your budget?