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Help Me in Congratulating Sea Cadet


Today is the day! Sea Cadet has officially completed his studies to become a Advanced EMT. (He has actually already tested for the national registry to be a Basic EMT, but will still need to complete the Advanced testing.)

I am unbelievably proud of him. And can’t wait to see what his future holds! He has spent this week completing paperwork for his year long commitment to Americorps. And he leaves tomorrow to travel to Virginia with History Buff to spend a few last days with friends before he heads to California to begin his training to work with FEMA.

One of Princess’ friends took some pictures for me (free) to create a graduation announcement for him, which I have yet to do. But I thought I would share a few of them here.

We know he will have some time off over the coming year, but we don’t know when or where he will be. So I’m not sure when I will see him again. It’s truly bittersweet to see him stepping into adulthood with such a big move, all across the country! But I know this is going to be an amazing adventure for him.

I’ve had several BAD reach out about graduation gifts for Sea Cadet. He would greatly appreciate that, but with him moving and limited to one duffle bag he doesn’t really need anything. But if you would like to send him a card…please send it to J. Hunt, PO Box 882, Toccoa, GA 30577. He would greatly appreciate your well wishes. I will be sending him packages once he is settled somewhere for a bit.

DIY – Hair!


First off, thank you to the BAD readers who took the time to give me well thought out and educated responses to my query regarding the minimum wage increase. I realize it’s a hot topic to many. But I never believe that bashing or belittling someone’s thoughts is the way to change them…education is. So thank you to those who responded in that light.

I would guess that I am one of the lowest maintenance women I know. My sister is the same way; although she does brush her hair. But after months of no hair maintenance, my daughter pointed out that it was time to do something about my “rat’s nest.” We call it that because I literally wash and then wrap it up on the top of my head with a scrunchie, and never touch it again.

She pointed out all my greys, well earned, I might add. And she pulled up an older picture of the two of us when I had bangs and said she wanted me to look like that again. I placed my trust in her and one of her friend’s hands to complete a makeover.

A Cheap Makeover

My only cost…a $7 box of brown hair dye. (She went in with me to make sure I didn’t pick “purple or something.”)

We stayed up late into the night while she completed the dye job, blew dry my hair and then she cut some bangs. Voila…here’s the end result. I love it!

Sidenote: did you notice my daughter’s dual purpose, economical decorations behind me? She collects sunglasses and not only does she wear them, all the time, but she has also used some of her yarn from her knitting to use them as bedroom decorations as well. I love how creative she is.

I know there have been lots of “self care” related posts by the women bloggers here on BAD. While some find their hair and self care time a necessary expense, it’s definitely one of my extras and not one I worry about at all. But I sure am grateful for the time and effort my daughter took to making me look my best…at least according to her. At least my greys are at bay for a few more months.