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It Feels Good to Get Cashback from Credit Cards


I still have one card that we use for online purchases and some subscription payments. I have also used it for some larger purchases like tires for our car. This card is to almost always have a zero balance. I charge what I need to charge and then turn around within a few days (after the charge is posted) and pay it right off. I don’t even wait for the statement. I have a rule that if I can’t turn around and pay for something immediately, it doesn’t go on the card. Case closed…no questions asked.

Having that control of our spending was always a problem. We’d purchase something on our credit cards thinking we would have money later to pay it off. Well, the money never came and the balance would sit on the card. We’d charge more, thinking again we could pay it off. Again, we were wrong. Before you know it, you have a nice balance on the card and there’s no way that you could pay off the card in one swoop (less a windfall, of course).

The card that I am using for our purchases has a cash back program and I have to say that I love it! I recently earned $20. Instead of me paying that particular credit card company finance charges, it is paying me for using their card. In my opinion, this is how credit cards are supposed to work!

Welcome New Readers!


There is a dramatic upswing in people finding my site by searching “blogging away debt.” I received a tip that my blog was mentioned on NPR this morning. For those stopping by…Welcome. And for all of my regular readers, you know I always welcome you too 🙂

UPDATE: Here’s a link to the NPR Story.

This blog is basically the journey of our family to eliminate our credit card debt and get our financial house in order. I’ve been blogging about it since February 2006 and there have been good times, as well as bad times. This blog provides a great deal of motivation to me, and I love the interaction with readers through the comments or emails. In turn, I hope reading about our story can help others.

If you like what you see here, there’s a few ways you can keep updated. You can bookmark this site to visit again, or if you have a feed reader you can Subcribe to my Full Feed. If you have an email address, you can also Subscribe via Email. Every day that I post you will receive one email with the posts that I wrote for that day.

As for where to start, here’s a recap of 2006:

A Reflective Look Back at 2006 – Goodbye to $13,000 of our Debt

And here’s something I wrote that highlights my frugal posts of 2006:

My Top Frugal Posts of 2006

Thanks again for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your stay 🙂