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Another Special Personal Finance Interview with a Youngin’


On Monday, the Carnival of Personal Finance will be here and there will be a lot of reading! So far, there are well over 30 submissions.

I know I usually highlight a few posts on Friday, but since it will be pretty busy here on Monday, I only picked one that I really enjoyed.

Michael from Money Musings was inspired by my personal finance interviews with my son (first one & second one) and had a little interview with his 4 year old daughter.

Very cute 🙂

Hmmm…Crazy Feed Things are Going On


If you are subscribed to my feed, I apologize for the weird things that may be going on. There appears to be a problem with my feed and I’m trying a few things to fix it. I activated something just now and some old posts are now showing up in my feed reader.

You may see more of that in the next few days as I try to pinpoint the problem. As always, I thank you for your patience.