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iPhone X Purchased: Birthday Money and Savings All Spent


He bought the iPhone X. Despite all the advice and all the time to consider his options, he chose what he wanted. And he paid every penny of the purchase.

This is a follow up post to this one. My recently turned 13 year old son has been BEGGING for the iPhone X since it was announced last summer. I mean, he has not let it go. And has asked everyone for a contribution. (And everyone told him NO!)

gymnast with his iPhone X

Gymnast is thrilled with his purchase of an Apple iPhone X and case. He wanted the focus to be on his prize!

Wait 30 Days

According to several personal finance experts, they say to hold off on big purchases for at least 30 days. He was forced to hold on to this dream for over a year.

They also say to pay cash. He had to do this as he had no other option.

And of course, it is always advised that you watch for deals. He was able to get the $1,000 phone for $549 + tax through my business account with Verizon.

All in all, without knowing it, he followed all the expert advice on making such a large purchase.

Not What Anyone Advised

Gymnast has heard feeback from alot of people on this purchase.

  • No way, no one, let alone a teenager needs a $1,000 phone.
  • It’s just a phone. It will just call and text like any other phone.
  • Think of all the other things you could do with that money.
  • What if you break this one too? Since you have broken every other electronic ever.
  • And so on and so forth.

Despite it all, he’s held true to his dream. And he’s worked hard to earn the money. And saved all his birthday money. (He asked for money toward a phone purchase for his 13th birthday.)

To be honest, I don’t know many adults that hold off on dreams that long. Typically by the time it comes around, they have moved on.

Sad but Proud

First, off I am very proud of his diligence and “stick with it-ness.” He’s stood up to just about everyone we know to pursue what he wants. Although, I don’t agree with it in this case, I can’t help but be proud of this characteristic. Standing up for what you believe can be hard, especially when everyone tells you that you are wrong.

While I won’t say he sacrificed a great deal because the bulk of the money came from his birthday. He did work VERY hard for half of it. And he made a wise decision is purchasing a good case first, then the phone.

He spent the month of July in Texas with my parents, and worked in the Texas heat trimming bushes, cutting lawns, painting dressers and more to earn money toward the phone. All this without knowing how much he was earning.

He even earned enough to purchase the back to school clothes he wanted. And while he may be broke now, he is all set for school and is still starry eyed at the phone in his hand.

I know many will disagree with me allowing my son to spend over $630 (phone, tax and case) on a WANT and not a need. But I believe he is old enough to make these decisions with his own money. And I also believe he is old enough to learn important lessons from whatever happens next. For instance, he has no spending money now with two weeks left of summer. He already has other things he wants and he will have to wait. And so on.

If something happens to the phone, well, he will learn from that too. But for right now, in this moment, my teenage son who has suffered a great deal of loss over the last few years is very proud of himself and very happy with his purchase. And that warms this mama’s heart.

World’s Longest Yard Sale


recycled handkerchiefs

Love what the Flea Market Fangirls have created with these handkerchiefs!

I was recently introduced to a site two cousins started regarding their yard sale finds, failings and reinventions. While the Flea Market Fangirls are just getting started, from their site, I found out about the World’s Longest Yard Sale. Have you heard of it?

Where is the Longest Yard Sale

According to their website, this ginormous yard sale is “NOW 690 MILES! Starts 5 Miles North of Addison, Michigan  and ends at Gadsden, Alabama!” That is HUGE!

According to the Fan Girls, vendors can rent a space in various fields along the yard sale route. And you can find everything from the most coveted antique to true junk. (They even have a section on their website for yard sale fails.)

Yard Sale then Resell

Since moving to small town Georgia, I’ve met lots of people who buy and resell. And several BAD readers have encouraged that option as a side gig. I’m starting to look into it.

I am certainly intrigued by the artsy people who re-purpose things, make them beautiful again. Making money doing that, would be great too.

Lots of the local antique shows, farmers markets and even yard sales highlight people’s creative uses for “found” objects. Unfortunately, I do not have the time, the resources or even the talent to do what I see so many others doing.

Free Pastime

I will say this, even if you aren’t in the position to buy anything. Visiting yard sales can be an inexpensive and educational past time.

We have enjoyed the history lessons received on items that we were baffled by. And it’s fun to laugh at some of the crazy stuff people try to sell.

Thusfar, I have not purchased anything. We have just looked and talked about things. But I’m definitely thinking about it.

Oh, and if you are big into doing your own yard sales, here is good article I found on things that sell well at yard sales.

Tell me about your most prized yard sale find. Have you ever re-purposed a yard sale find? I would love to see pictures.