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Surprising Holiday Statistics and Using Easy Pay for Christmas Gifts


Every year it seems like the holidays start earlier and earlier. Are you a fan of how soon the Christmas season starts or is it bothersome to you? I’m the kind of person who puts up the Christmas tree on November 1st and leaves it up until the end of January, so I’m already starting my holiday planning.

Luckily, I don’t have to buy a lot of gifts. My family and I have pretty much stopped doing gift exchanges. We don’t live in the same part of the country anymore and don’t fly out to see each other on holidays. We might send each other a Christmas card or small gift card, but there are no expectations. My partner doesn’t have any family gift-giving obligations either.

Buying a Joint Holiday Gift

My partner and I don’t always get each other gifts on holidays, but this year we need some new cookware. We’ve gotten a lot of kitchen equipment secondhand from family and friends, so we haven’t had to invest in cookware up until now. Most of our pots and pans are nonstick and are very scratched up since they’re over five years old. I recently learned that damaged nonstick coatings can leach chemicals into your food, so it’s definitely time to replace them.

I had a gift card from doing some surveys, so I was able to get two enameled cast iron pans from Cuisinart for free about a month ago. We’ve really enjoyed cooking with them, so we decided to splurge on an enameled cast iron Dutch oven to replace our larger cooking pots. I’ve always dreamed of having a French-made Le Creuset pot and found a great deal on QVC. Unfortunately, Le Creuset is eye-watering and expensive, so it was still almost $200 on sale. But we decided to take the plunge and order one as a joint Christmas gift for ourselves. I’ve heard that Le Creuset Dutch ovens are extremely well-made and even come with a lifetime warranty. So I’m hoping ours will last for the rest of our lives, fingers crossed.

Thoughts on Easy Pay

I recently learned about QVC’s Easy Pay program because I was assigned to write an article about it. I never thought that I would sign up for an installment plan, but I didn’t see any downsides to this one. You don’t have to pay any interest or fees and can split up the cost of your item into several installments, which you pay monthly. The Dutch oven I bought will be split up into 5 payments, so it will be a bit easier to work into our budget.

What do you think about installment plans like this? I don’t think the services that charge interest are worth using, but I’m warming up to fee-free payment plans. I think you can get into trouble if you take out multiple payment plans at the same time, especially if you can’t really afford the purchases.

You need to make sure you have more than enough funds to pay for whatever you’re buying, and you can only sign up for a maximum of one installment plan at a time. But they can help with cash flow because they allow you to split up bigger purchases into smaller chunks. I don’t think I’ll use buy now, pay later programs frequently, but I’m less opposed to them than I was before. I used to think there was no way to use them responsibly, but now I realize they can be a helpful tool like rewards credit cards. You just have to be smart about the way you use them.

Surprising Holiday Statistics

I felt a little guilty about our holiday Dutch oven splurge… until I learned how much the average American plans to spend on Christmas this year. According to a study that just came out, respondents are gearing up to drop about $1,650 on holiday expenses. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw that number.

I’m surprised that people are planning to spend that much in light of inflation and recession fears. Nearly 95% of Americans are stressed out about the cost of food right now, so it seems like people’s priorities are a bit out of whack. Americans probably shouldn’t be spending record amounts on holiday gifts while worrying about how to put food on the table.

Are you worried about food costs? I’m one of the few who aren’t. In my area, it seems like the grocery store price hikes are finally easing up. I’ve even noticed that sales are starting to get better and there are more clearance items available. Lately, I’ve had no trouble staying under my $400 per month food budget.

Also, I’d love to hear what you’re planning to spend on Christmas gifts in the comments. Would you ever use an installment plan to finance presents? Let me know!

Read More 

Christmas 2022 Recap

Let’s Talk About Christmas Spending

How Do You Decide on a Christmas Budget?

Pay More on Less or Less on More?


Things are bad around here. I’m starting to get shut off notices from utilities and so on. I found myself Googling things like:

What jobs pay $200,000 per year

How far behind can I get on my mortgage before they foreclose

How far behind can I get on a car payment before they repossess

And I’ve been multiple places, jewelers that buy jewelry and pawn shops, trying to sell my “blood diamonds”. That’s what I call all the really expensive gold/diamond jewelry that my ex-husband would give me whenever he hit me as an apology. Evidently jewelry is not worth anything. So I still have it all. (I’ve sold all the “just gold” in the past when things were tight. But I hate to just give this jewelry away. I have the receipts, I know what was paid for it. Any suggestions for selling diamond jewelry but not giving it away? (I do have it all listed on Facebook Marketplace.)

I actually felt a little better after my night of Googling because I think I have at least through the holidays. With this paycheck I’m catching up enough on utilities to not get them shut off before Thanksgiving.

My Question

Here’s my question. Is it better to pay a little on a lot of bills or pay a lot on a single bill?

I’ve just been flying by the seat of my pants in what I pay. Prioritizing those that are about to get shut off or cut off or…you know what I mean. Thank God, that’s been enough to keep anything from getting shut off up until now.

But the reality is my car insurance bill is more than 1/2 my take home pay right now. And that doesn’t leave enough for my mortgage, utilities, food, etc. Then don’t get me started on minimum debt payments.

So my question is…

Do I pay a little on a lot of things and hope they will see that as effort? Or do I just pay a lot on the big things?

Any way you look at it, if I don’t start getting some serious cash flow coming in, January will be full of hard decisions.

Update on FreeCash.com<-link to my review on making money on Free Cash

I mentioned that I expected to have made about $75 for some the of the challenges I completed during my first hour on Free Cash but that it could take them 10 days to verify completion. Well, that $75 did hit my Free Cash account and I officially made $77.66 my first hour on that site.

Now I don’t know if that is something I can maintain as it has been challenging to find Offers/Surveys on the site that I qualify for or that I will do. Many of them require you to play games to a certain level. And I haven’t tried those yet because gaming is not really my thing and trying to get to Level ???, well, I’m not sure how long that could take.

But I am trying out some other recommended survey sites, etc. at night and will be posting some additional reviews and earnings over the next month.