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Where’s Your Money Going – September, 2021


Without further ado, here is my spending plan for September.

Flight Reimbursement9/1/2021500
Princess – monthly allowance9/1/2021-300
Saving – Emergency Fund9/1/2021-300
Auto – Gas9/3/2021-30
Utility – Gas/Water/Trash9/4/2021-150
Pandora (Apple)9/4/2021-5
USAA Life Ins9/4/2021-67
GA Power9/5/2021-200
Student Loan9/7/2021-300
Auto – Gas9/10/2021-30
Lawn Care9/14/2021-50
Savings – College9/16/2021-500
USAA Auto/Renters Ins9/16/2021-457
Auto – Gas9/17/2021-30
Auto – Gas9/24/2021-30
Car Payment9/30/2021-7900
Savings – Christmas9/30/2021-500
Gymnast – clothing9/30/2021-300
Princess – clothing9/30/2021-300

I believe most of this is self explanatory, but there may be a few questions…

The Details

  • Flight reimbursement – we are going to Texas for Thanksgiving again. But this time, both of the twins’ girlfriends from Virgina will accompany us. My dad and I purchased all the tickets earlier this summer when Southwest had a great deal. The girls are covering the cost of their tickets and had until 9/1 to pay me back. So that is income, but this is where I tracked it since it’s an unusual occurrence.
  • Mortgage – I paid double my mortgage at the beginning of August, accidentally, but it worked out. Beginning 9/1, I am converting to bi-weekly payments of $350. This will keep me ahead of the due date and I believe help me pay it off more quickly. So for September, there will be 3 mortgage payments.
  • Clothing – as I have every year, I will supply the kids (just the younger two at this point) with a clothing allowance. I’ve done this twice a year forever, so nothing new, but if you are new hear, that’s what that money is.
  • Savings – I am ramping up my savings plan. Now that I know what Princess tuition will be come January, trying to be ahead of the game there. And then, of course, I continue to contribute to Christmas and my Emergency Fund.  One thing to note is that the Christmas savings is so high because I did dip into that account to cover some of the college costs so need to pay it back. My savings plan will change a bit in January. More on that later.

I don’t think there are any other oddities.

Other Spending – maybe?

My dishwasher is slated to arrive this week so there may be a little bit of house spending in September just to finish out the kitchen, but it should be minimal. In fact, I’m more inclined to sell some items…so I may be doing a kitchen purge.

Princess took our Keurig and mini fridge. But I am finding that I have a number of appliances that I just never use. And am definitely moving into more and more of a minimalist mode. The clutter irks me, especially for things never used.

Questions? Comments?


Rent a Book – Frugal College Tip


Sea Cadet comes by every week to hang out with mom. He started back to school this week too, completing his Associates in Paramedicine. This is the next step towards his ultimate goal of being a PA. He’s working as an EMT (still part time), a bowling alley mechanic (also part time), for me doing web work (part time) and then going to school full time. He’s a busy guy!

Thankfully, because of the twins being a special needs adoption, they qualify for the maximum is financial aid. So his school is essentially paid for. But there’s a downside to that as well…he’s not careful with that money. So when he came by last week, he brought the books he’d just picked up for his classes. $1,000 is books!! Ouch! Covered by student grants, but still.

On the other hand, Princess and I work diligently to keep her costs as low as possible. So when it was time for her to get books, she did the legwork and I did the keyboard work. She got the list of books needed for her 16 credit hours of classes and visited the college bookstore to take note of availability, costs, new/used, online vs paper book. With that information, we shopped around…and score!

She got all her books for the semester for just at $250. Some of the books were $300 by themselves if purchased new.

Our Trick

Amazon textbook rental! Most of her books for between $25-32 to rent for the semester. And because she’s in a big city now, all were delivered within 2 days. Awesome, awesome! The most she paid for a book was $60. (By the end of the first week of class, the professor uploaded it for free to the class portal, so she was bummed about that spend.)

She will have to ship them back right after her classes are over in December. But we were both thrilled with how frugal we were with the spend. Especially after she compared what she would have spent if she just went to the college bookstore and purchased them…

(Sea Cadet knows all this. We did it for his dual enrollment classes. He just didn’t plan ahead this time and is not as concerned about saving money since it’s all covered for him.)

Any other money savings tips for college program? Or technical programs?