:::: MENU ::::

Quit Over Politics?


I watched as big-name companies took political stances and I thought nothing of it. It didn’t apply to me. My organization is very apolitical and wouldn’t make a political statement that would be difficult for roughly 50% of our clients to agree with, right?!?!


Monday morning, I reported for an all staff and my company released information that would be made public soon. We were taking a political stance. No, not for one you would think of (nope, not Georgia, BLM, COVID, vaccines, religion, etc.), but a strong one none the less.


One I don’t agree with.


Strongly oppose.


I literally sat open mouthed as they spent an hour talking about the statement that would be released. When they asked for questions, I carefully pushed the unmute button on my computer. I was shaking, I hate public speaking (particularly in extremely large groups) but I needed to know…why. The speaker, annoyed, responded with a statement full of logical fallacies. I pointed out one of the 47 or so arguments that popped into my head immediately (the high school debate team champion in me never dies). She stumbled all over herself then made another horrifically flawed argument. I stopped talking. I decided to talk to my boss instead.


My boss struggled with the statement as well but was going along with it. When I pointed out this would not only cause irreparable harm to half our client base approval, our logic was flawed. He shrugged it off.


Just go along to get along.


But that’s not who I am.


That’s not what I believe.


Monday night I sat at the dinner table crying. “Is this the hill I’m willing to die on?” I asked my husband. “I support whatever you choose but for me, yes, this is the hill I would die on” he responded.


I wanted to wait to look for a job until August but the timeline is pushed up a bit. If you agree with the overarching mission and vision of your organization but you strongly disagree with a random political stance they take, would you leave too? The reality is, it’s not good for me but to be fair, it’s not good for them either. I can’t support their decision and they should really have a team member that does.


Ugh.  What a mess.  I wanted so much for a restful summer.


  • Reply Angie |

    This post is fishy. Need more details. After they make this position public, are you charged with doing anything?

    • Reply Beks |

      Yes, we are required to comply. There is no way for them to know whether we did or did not and I could simply lie and say I did what they asked (lots of folks said that’s what they planned to do) but I refuse to lie to my employer to comply with a policy I disagree with.

  • Reply Reece |

    The Universe keeps showing you that it’s time for you to move on. You need to focus intensely on TX and a job there. This sounds like the final straw for you. Best of luck!

  • Reply Angie |

    My DH works in defense, and has always been against war, weapons, etc. He has been in constant internal conflict his whole career. The truth is though, it’s just a job. A company is not defining you as a person, unless you let it. The same as your boss and your company are not your friends and don’t have your best interest in mind. They have their interest and the companies interest in mind even if their words are saying the opposite. It’s just a job. A week after Capitol riots, DH’s company decided to put up flags nodding towards the revolution and defined it as their annual company motto. He almost quit right on the spot. But after calming down realized. It’s just a job. Who cares.

    As the breadwinner, you may have to take this stance also for a bit. Luckily you are remote. It will probably blow over. The use it as more motivation to find a new company and position.

    • Reply Beks |

      Wow! Poor guy! I have a hard time separating my beliefs from my employers. I’m in the same boat as your husband, conflicted! But yes, as the breadwinner, we have to make very well thought out moves.

  • Reply Cynthia |

    I hate when business and politics mix. Not knowing what the issue is, my bigger concern would be how much business will they lose from this and how long will it take them to recover? Will they even be able to recover? Why does the leadership team think being controversial in the time of cancel culture a great idea? I would be updating my Linked In profile immediately.

    • Reply Beks |

      That is part of my concern. How many potential and current clients will we lose?

      • Reply CC |

        Business and politics always mix, consider the Citizens United court decision and lobbyists. I welcome the company statements, at least we know where they stand and can make decisions from there.

  • Reply Ellen |

    I think that the biggest issue with politics is no one will ever be right because everyone always thinks that they are. I can’t change your views and you can’t change mine. If the stance that they are taking is something that is going to change your work environment for the worse, then yes, it’s time to start looking elsewhere. As an employee, you are just part of the crowd to them. They will find your replacement and not think a second thought about it. That is definitely NOT something you should stress over. Find yourself something new, and move on. Know in your heart you are making the right decision for you and your peace.

    I have been in a similar situation where I had to choose to keep my job or follow unethical practices. I chose to move on. I could not in good conscience put people’s lives in danger. Now the FDA has been after them for the last few years and I am so happy I’m not a part of that mess. Good luck to you.

  • Reply Mrs. H. |

    Your employer has every right to make any political statement/stand they want, and you have every right to decide that it is a dealbreaker for you. If you’re in a position privileged enough to leave the salary and benefits behind at this time, and you feel very strongly about the issue, you should quit.

  • Reply Suzanne |

    My question is do you have to do something to affirm what they are saying? Or just respond if people ask you about it? To which the only answer really is “that is the company policy/stand”. But yes – the universe is telling you to focus on leaving – but do it on your terms.

  • Reply Mrs. H |

    Your employer has every right to make any political statement/stand they see fit, and you have every right to decide that it is a deal breaker for you. Everyone has their own personal level of acceptance for where to draw that line.

    If you feel strongly about the issue, and are in a position to be able to afford leaving the job, you should quit.

    • Reply Cwaltz |

      It’s interesting to see some of the people here jump to conclusions. The reality is that you’ve been mulling over leaving for awhile(before this came up) and this may be what you utilize as the excuse to do it. And that’s fine. It’s not like you haven’t already been looking and considering anyway. Like most I agree you should consider what is best for you and your family first. You aren’t independently wealthy so review where you stand financially and in terms of benefits if you were to leave voluntarily. Consider your field and the opportunities you may or may not have outside of where you are. The company leadership has decided to do what they think is in their best interest regardless of your feelings, so do whatever is best for YOU without guilt and concern. It’s a two way street A d if corporate America is a person like the Supreme Court has stated then they should be prepared for the understanding that sometimes our actions can have consequences.

    • Reply Drmaddog |

      There are companies I wouldn’t work for due to their culture, unless I was homeless and had no other option. As Mrs. H said, they have the right to make stands and you have the right to leave. Without knowing the details, it’s difficulty to say more about that.

      Other than that, I would like to say that TX has become a very heterogenous state, with the ‘big four’ – DFW area, Austin, Houston, and San Antonio – being quite blue while the majority of the rest of Tx being red. When people talk about ‘northeast Texas’, often they are referring to the DFW areas. If that is the case for you, be aware that there are places in California that are more conservative. I believe Dallas county in voted 65% Biden. It would be important to examine down to the county and district level if the political environment is this important to you.

      • Reply Beks |

        Super interesting! We were going to rent for a year so we could find the right fit.

  • Reply Anon Lawyer |

    A “requirement to comply” where they won’t know if you’ve complied or not really sounds like it’s about vaccination – if so, that’s not political. Your company gets to set rules to ensure its workers are safe. But glad so many people are comfortable just lying.

  • Reply Deb |

    Businesses are going to do what the stockholders say is best regardless of employee input. Whether one agree or disagree is a mute point. The good thing is that employment is at will and folks are able to decide if they want to maintain their employment status. Companies will fill any vacant position just as quickly as an employee leaves.

    You stated do you want to die on this hill. I don’t feel that any job is worth that much emotional turmoil or distraught over a political stance. I value the mission and vision of my place of business but how they choose to carry it out personally doesn’t make a difference to me since I need to be employed and do not discuss certain topics at work. I don’t usually take these things to heart. You are an individual with your own thoughts on several topics. This would become a problem for me if I was forced to take the political stance in my home life. All the emotional energy and distraught over a political stance isnt worth the disruption to your home life. Keep work at work and keep home life peaceful.

    If you pull your timeline up and start looking sooner for potential employment elsewhere try to leave this company on a good foot.

  • Reply Anonymous |

    Tell us you’re a Trump supporter without telling us you’re a Trump supporter.

    • Reply Beks |

      There’s a 51/47 chance you’re accurate? Really? That’s where you went with this?

      • Reply Lily |

        It would also show you’re a bigot or, at best, someone who doesn’t mind supporting a bigot. Not sure there’s much of a difference between the two but ymmv. It would show me you don’t mind supporting someone who mocked a disabled person for being disabled, which is something that is very personal to me. you do you tho.

        • Reply Beks |

          I don’t particularly agree with either side. Both sides have made huge mistakes and decisions I disagree with (and agree with!). I take my stance on individual issues I’m passionate about, not political parties.

    • Reply Lisa M |

      @Anonymous I love this and 100% agree! Beks is just trying to hide her politics. What is it you’re so opposed to that you can’t even mention it? Guns?

      Can we get some new bloggers? I’m so tired of Beks complaining about her privileged life.

      • Reply Beks |

        Privileged? I guess I must not understand the meaning. Does privileged mean growing up in poverty? Does privileged mean paying your way through college? Does privileged mean breaking the cycle of debt by working through it for years? Does privileged mean making a household income of less than $100k in one of the most expensive parts of the country to live? Clarification on how I’m ‘privileged’ would be helpful.

          • Beks |

            I feel like people throw out the word ‘privileged’ when they have no logical argument. It makes my eyes roll involuntary.

          • Anonymous |

            “Diagreeing with AnYoNe On ThE lEfT” tell us you’re a boomer without telling us you’re a boomer.

        • Reply jj |


          Actually, I always point folks towards this argument.

        • Reply Anonymous |

          You have been working throughout the pandemic. Working and TRAVELING. You live in one the most expensive parts of the country (according to you) on a single income. You have no debt. Yes, you are privileged. Nobody said not hard-working.

  • Reply jj |

    Whatever it is, you have been mentioning wanting to move on from the job – so now I think take this as a sign!

  • Reply K |

    Sorry you are going through this. I completely understand because I could not continue with a company that goes against my values to that extent. This may be for the best, though, because it gives you one more reason to change jobs/move.

    It is galling to think that some corporations try to force their political views on at least half the people. I admire people who take a stand for what they believe in.

    • Reply Drmaddog |

      The corporations you see as forcing their views on at least half the people are doing the same thing as the people you admire for taking a stand for what they believe in. You just may not agree with what the corporations support. If you did, you probably would admire them as well. As would I, when I boycott or support a business based on their political views.

      I say this not to argue a specific view point, but rather to point out that everyone has an opinion and the act of supporting those opinions is often similar. We all do it. It’s the opinions that differ.

  • Reply revdrmd |

    Look for another job, then leave once you have it. It is not worth the emotional toll you will experience to stay, but also is not worth the stress it will create if you leave before you have another one.

    • Reply Beks |

      I definitely can’t afford to leave without another job in place! Just moving up the search that’s all.

  • Reply Rosalind |

    Why are you not able to say what this political belief is that you oppose so strongly?

    • Reply Beks |

      You see the response when I don’t say what my beliefs are… it would be crazy to say what they are! ; )

So, what do you think ?