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Taking Hair Color Chances


Rumor has it, redheads are the last to go gray. My mother, also a natural redhead, didn’t start to gray until nearly 50. My hairstylist told me I wouldn’t have to worry about coloring my hair for decades.

I started going gray at 25.

So much for ‘decades’.

I started coloring my hair midway through my twenties and maintained my perfect shade of red for the next 15 years. I’ve never colored my own hair… that’s simply madness. I knew without a doubt I’d look like a terrible Ronald McDonald. When you mess up red, it’s never pretty.

I color my hair every 8-10 weeks. My hair was colored 10 weeks ago and my husband asked if I wanted him to color my hair. I declined. I was terrified. Then, last week on a conference call, one of my team members said, “I had no idea you had gray hair!”

The jig was up.

I immediately ordered one of those at home color kits from Madison Reed. I’m sure there are lots of other kits but my sister had used that one and it looked OK. The kit was just over $20, a steal compared to what I pay my hairstylist. I didn’t shop around, I’m sure there are cheaper coloring kits but, again, just sticking to what I knew someone else had used.

Last Friday night, after taking a couple shots of tequila, I sat in our kitchen while hubby colored my hair. Full disclosure, my husband’s mother is a hairstylist. He’s watched her color hair for decades. He’s never done it but I don’t consider him a rookie.

Friends… it… was… AWESOME. I LOVE it! When we cross the other side of this, I’m cutting my hair appointments in half! My husband can totally do it!

It took a while to get the color (obvious delays in shipping, etc) so if you are going to attempt coloring your own hair, I’d recommend you jump on it ASAP.




I’m just going to drop this bomb here… we were one of the more than 17 million folks who filed for unemployment. It’s gonna be fine. I’ll update next week…


  • Reply Laura |

    Sooo sorry to hear about the unemployment.
    I colored my own hair last week too. My husband thought it was silly, since I don’t see anyone, but like you the greys were bothering me. How rude for a coworker to say that!

  • Reply Laura |

    Looks great! Madison Reed it is for me now too! Your husband applying it is one of the sweetest pics I’ve ever seen 🙂

  • Reply drmaddog |

    I had an ‘awww’ moment at the picture with your husband doing your hair too. so sweet
    And has anyone told you you look like Sarah Paulson?

    nice budget hack. I used to color my hair but quit when I was deployed years ago. I Don’t miss the cost, I’ll tell you that.

  • Reply Cynthia L |

    Your hair looks amazing! I would have been terrified to try a red. I recently switched to esalon and have had a positive experience. At home color has come a long way!
    I’m interested to hear about the unemployment experience, it seems like almost everyone is in the same boat at the moment and it’s a bureaucratic mess.

  • Reply Sara |

    Looks awesome! My mom always uses Madison Reed now–I helped her do it once, and I couldn’t believe how easy it was.

  • Reply Jen |

    FYI—If you do plan on going back to your stylist when you’re able, tell your stylist exactly what you used to color your hair! Take the box/ print off the info from the website if possible. My stylist was telling me how at-home and professional dyes are formulated differently, and sometimes weird things can happen when you mix two products. Just better to be safe than sorry!

    • Reply Beks |

      Shoot! I didn’t even think about that! Great point! I will go back to her for cuts and an occasional highlight. I’ll have to remember that.

So, what do you think ?