by Hope
I can’t believe the 20’s start in just a few short hours. People says 20’s and I think flappers and cigarette holders, jazz music and lots of change. Of course, it was also the start of the Great Depression and the decade that my Grandmother was born.
I wonder what this decade will bring. There’s certainly an air of change around here. (Yes, I’m beginning to realize that I sound a bit like a broken record as I talk about all the change coming.)
Goals for 2020
But I have set up some measurable goals for myself this coming year and I thought I would share a few of them:
Financial –
- Build my EF to a solid $20,000
- Save for a 2021 family vacation
- Pay off at least a 1/3 of my student loans
- Budget for Christmas and Princess’ senior year
Personal –
- Dedicate non-computer time daily for reading and self-improvement
- Create and stick to an exercises plan
- Continue with my weekly meal planning and tighten up my food budget
Business –
- Expand my passive income efforts
There are lots more. All measurable and doable. I have truly spent a great deal of time thinking about how I want my life to change, and what I need to do to get there.
Have you created any 2020 goals? Are you a believer in new years resolutions? If you do have new goals…I’d love to hear about them. How will you stay motivated to stay on track in reaching them?
Hope is a creative, solutions-focused business manager helping clients grow their business and work more efficiently by leveraging expertise in project management, digital marketing, & tech solutions. She’s recently become an empty nester as her 5 foster/adoptive kids have spread their wings. She lives with her 3 dogs in a small town in NE Georgia and prefers the mountains to the beaches any day. She struggles with the travel bug and is doing her best to help each of her kids as their finish schooling and become independent (but it’s hard!) She has run her own consulting company for almost twenty years! Hope began sharing her journey with the BAD community in the Spring of 2015 and feels like she has finally in a place to really focus on making wise financial decisions.
So, what do you think ?