:::: MENU ::::



I have now created a budget that goes through the end of September. If nothing changes as far as my income, and I do get at least close to the predicted amount from unemployment, I will be able to cover all my regular bills without touching any more of my savings.

There is NO wiggle room in it. No allowance, no fun, no extra money. There’s also no clothing money, no lunch money (for when school starts) and nothing if something happens to my car. (There’s a clicking noise now that I’ve been told is innocuous but annoying at this point.)

What Does that Mean

This means, that I can not take a moment of down time. I can not doubt my path. I can not spend more time defending this plan. I must commit to something. I must commit to building.

In addition to my time management, I am dedicating some of my time to self improvement. Books on CD for the car, podcasts when I can and of course, reading.

I recently discovered Jay Shetty when this video was shared on Facebook. I’ve never been much for caring what “so and so” does. But this video made sense to me in light of my time is currency thoughts.

Going My Way

I continue to pick up more work. I am getting a chance to do new work. I am writing a lot.

I am gaining my confidence back, learning to say no. Working on charging what I’m worth, not what I feel is safe. (I have a long way to go in this aspect.)

I am learning to use new language. I am learning to explain things differently to my children.

Instead of saying “we don’t have the money for that,” I am learning to say “there are better ways to use the money we have.”

I am making wiser decisions on using my time in my day to day life.

And I’m learning to be confrontational and stand up for myself bit.

I am Listening

I really appreciate the BAD community’s patience with me. I appreciate the continued advice. I appreciate the continue encouragement.

Change is hard. But if anything the last year taught me how important saving is, saving every time you get money.





  • Reply csdx |

    Good job on planning and budgeting ahead.

    Don’t forget to apply that same idea of time is money to what you can be doing to save money too. Don’t spend hours figuring out how to save an extra buck or two which could be better spent elsewhere, but sometimes a quick hour or two of research can save you money off recurring bills (insurance, utilities, telecom) can be a great return on investment on your time. And remember, fun doesn’t always have to equal money.

  • Reply Mary Beth |

    Is this new or have I just never noticed it before? From the BAD sidebar:

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    • Reply Shanna |

      Whoa-they are straight up advertising cheating and plagiarism. Bad look, BAD!

  • Reply Kate |

    I wonder, you had mentioned before an interest in therapy/ counseling – now that you are on Medicaid, would it be easier to afford to see someone? It might be a good use of time and insurance while you have it if it would be covered.

    It’s great that work is picking up and you have a plan!

So, what do you think ?