:::: MENU ::::

Time Keeps on Slippin’, Slippin’


It’s currently Wednesday night at 11:05 and it’s just occurred to me that I have nothing prepared for tomorrow so I’m typing this out on my phone. I actually just realized that today is Wednesday. My moms surgery was this week and I’ve just gotten in from Houston. It’s been a crazy week, y’all. I started working on a more detailed table (since last weeks was a fail) and I’m hoping to have that up this weekend. The last few days have been a blur but I can tell y’all this, I’ve spent money that I have no budget for. There was the hotel in Houston, the hospital parking fees, food (my dad paid for my food anytime he could but I thwarted that when possible) medications (I picked up her meds because she was in so much pain that they went straight to bed while I went to the pharmacy) and gas (I drove my car because after surgery she was radioactive). I don’t really know what it all adds up to and frankly, I’m afraid to. The good news is that since we’ve paid off some debt and have become more aware of our spending this little hiccup won’t put us further in debt. It just means I can’t pay as much towards debt this month as I’d have liked to.  So, yay.

I promise y’all that I will be back on a more normal posting schedule in the next couple of weeks as things hopefully settle down.  I hope you’re all well.


  • Reply Mary from SC |

    What you are experiencing is “Life”. Just do what you have to do for your mom. Sadly your debt will still be waiting for you upon your return. This is good reminder to all that “life happens when we least expect it” and when there isn’t any debt, it is easier to handle all the ups/downs with one less worry on your shoulders. Praying that your mom’s surgery was a success and that her recovery will be complete.

    • Reply manda |

      Yep, Mary said it perfectly. Take care of yourself, take care of your family for now. Thoughts are with ya’ll.

      • Reply Stephannie |

        It’s taking some adjustment but I think we are figuring it out, thanks for the positive thoughts!

    • Reply Stephannie |

      You’re so right about everything you said, Mary. Thank you for the prayers!

  • Reply Angie |

    First and foremost, prayers and good thoughts for you and your family! And this is a great lesson (HOPE!) for the need of an emergency fund. Remember, we’re all here to support you while you get through this.

    • Reply Stephannie |

      Thank you, Angie! I’m very thankful that we were able to handle this with no real problems. It put my debt attack a little behind but, it did not make it worse so, yay!

  • Reply Hilary |

    I don’t think anyone can blame you for spending what you did, so you shouldn’t either. And as you pointed out, since you’ve gotten your spending under control those expenses didn’t put you further into debt. That’s amazing! You deserve huge debt-dragon slaying points for that! And even better, you were able to be there for your family during a stressful and scary time. Sending positive thoughts for you and your family!

  • Reply Slinky |

    One of the best things you can do for yourself is to set up your budget and expenses so that you can roll with the punches like this and NOT get deeper into debt. Every time something comes up and I can pay for it without taking on debt or dipping into savings for other things, I count it a major victory. Yes, it pushes off your goals like debt repayment, but some things are more important. Moms are one of them!

    • Reply Stephannie |

      You are totally right! I’m a little bummed that I couldn’t pay off things like I wanted but I’m so thankful that it’s something that I could do and not sink further into debt.

So, what do you think ?