:::: MENU ::::



Just a quick note to thank everyone for the great comments on how to save on utilities.  I love to see the differences from one location to another.  I always like to respond to posts but this week’s schedule isn’t going to permit direct replies.  We do have a 2 story house with central a/c–two units, one for each floor.  After reading about some of your utility costs…I don’t feel so bad!  I am definitely looking into some heavy window coverings and more of the tint we already have.  Those are very reasonably priced fixes.  We don’t have basements in South Texas but the mention of basements did bring fond, cool memories of basements I have enjoyed!  I thought about the averaging option that the utility company but then I feel like I am giving up the really cheap months…silly.  We may look into that.  I am not aware of having utility company options here but research into that may be in order as well.  In short, you’ve given me lots to think about and hopefully lots of ways to save even more on the monthly budget!  Many of you have made me thankful for my location (hello…Canada!  That was a good reminder that cold country is not for me! ) The desert posts made me think of that phrase “but it is a dry heat!” I LOVED the towel in the freezer idea…that one reminded me of a dear friend who moved to San Antonio from Huntington Beach, Ca.  She drove to Texas from Cali in August in a car with no a/c.  She tells the story of stopping to soak towels in cool water in various bathroom sinks to drape them over her as she made that cross country trek.  Such a funny visual!  Now I picture my family sitting around with towels wrapped around us…while enjoying root beer floats…and truly laughing! All in the name of debt pay off!  Thanks again!


  • Reply Jen from Boston |

    Mmmmm…. root beer floats! Makes me have fond memories of sitting with my grandparents in ice cream shops eating a root beer float 🙂

  • Reply Claire in CA, USA |

    I really love our level pay plans with the gas company and the electric company. No need to change the budget for those items for the entire year. The best part is that, because they overestimate your expected usage (so you don’t ever have to pay extra) we usually have a credit balance after 12 months, so we don’t have to pay the bill for a month or more. 🙂

  • Reply Isela |

    One thing that you need to realize is that you are going thru “an awareness process” , you are putting more attention to everything that is going around yourself trying to relate to your use of money.

    When someone becomes more aware, their “threshold of pain” for some reason is also reduced : you feel more than before , not because is more painful but because you are now aware.

    So it is not that is hotter than before or more expensive , is just that you are putting attention now.

    If trying to reduce utilities is going to actually make you feel uncomfortable, then try to reduce in other place.There is no need to reduce quality of life to pay less, when obvioulsy you are bleeding money paying high interest rates.

  • Reply Nancy |

    Instead of the wet towels, you could try cool ties as they are less messy. This is the link to the original cool tie site http://cooltiesareus.com/
    If you do a search, there are also sites that give patterns for them.

    • Reply Claire |

      Funny timing! I just saw the dollar store version of these yesterday. I didn’t buy but I was intrigued! Thanks!

So, what do you think ?