:::: MENU ::::

Summer childcare mess


Remember a few weeks back I was excited because I had summer kid care booked?  Well, so much for that plan!  We did a trial run with the sitter and it did not work out.  No need to go into the gory details but suffice it to say that my van and garage door were both damaged in what may likely reach the Emergency Fund dollar amount.  Nothing is a “must fix” now but the damage is definitely costly.  That was the icing on the cake of other issues.  We’ve worked out some of the financials with her but I decided to cancel her for the summer.

Enter Plan B—Girl Scouts.  The boys have various athletic and band camps but like I said before it is tougher for the 7 year old girl given her age.  I was a troop leader for my now 25 year old niece years ago but it is just this school year felt like DD was ready.  We did a few things but wanted to wait until next school year for full troop involvement.  I was not aware of their great summer programs–local childcare with a girl scout theme.  The best news is overall this WILL cost us less…MUCH less…like 1/3 of the original plan. The bad news is…we had to pay the entire summer fees upfront on very short notice to hold her spot. 

Needless to say this forces us to rearrange things and I hate that.  In the end all the numbers will turn out but you will notice the impact when I post the new numbers on Friday.  50% of the total $1,000 paid out will be coming back from my ex-husband but that won’t happen by Friday.  On one hand, I am thankful that we did not have to wipe out the Emergency fund…we have had to overcome my excel error from earlier this month and will take another hit with the $1000 advance summer care plan–but at least we were able to make some positive additions with the saving we have managed to do through a very expensive month.  So, summer childcare for the youngest ended up costing $402.50 per parent which is a $850 savings per parent.  $145 was paid for 3 athletic camps for DS and that too is split in half.  So, I guess a little, short term detour is worth that kind of savings.  It all works out in the end!  None of this has impacted our debt payoff plan…all of those payments are set to go up more than a notch in June.




  • Reply KLM |

    This is what emergency funds are for. You’ll be able to build it back up in a month or two. Just think back in January, this would have gone on a credit card, right? You’ve freed yourself and your family from having to do that!

    • Reply Claire |

      Wow! Thank you KLM! You are so right and it did not even occur to me to realize that! Yes, it absolutely would have been paid for with credit and as the crisis with childcare hit…I am proud to say a credit card never even came to mind!

  • Reply Janelle |

    Yes KLM said what I was going to – by not living on the edge anymore, you were able to handle this bit of murphy’s law with CASH and no debt! That is one of the best blessings of living under what you make. Good job!

  • Reply Joanna |

    I’m impressed that you never use any of these obstacles as an excuse to get off track with your plan or do some retail therapy. You and your family should be proud of how all of you are handling these hiccups!

  • Reply Christy |

    Wow, that is some cheap childcare! It costs me $800 per month for my five-year old son. Looking forward to the ‘raise’ I’ll get when he starts public kindergarten in August.

  • Reply Adam |

    i was thinking the same thing as klm. that;s what emergency funds are for.

So, what do you think ?