:::: MENU ::::



A couple of you have mentioned Flylady in your comments.  I was actually introduced to Flylady’s program back in 2005 and can honestly say she turned my life around!  While I may be a financial mess…I do have an organized household and plan that keeps a busy group on track and productive.  If you haven’t looked into Flylady…please do.  She can be found at www.flylady.net and she really can change your life.  I remember when I discovered Flylady.  It was just after a neighbor stopped by my house unannounced and as she spoke to me in my front entryway, I realized she was having to stand on my dirty clothes that were overflowing out of the laundry room!  Talk about embarrassing!  That moment jump started life changes in me and near 7 years later, I’m still living a pretty “flylady” life.  I love her decluttering tips and her “zones.”   There really is something for everyone on her plan—and you can take what works best for you and watch it make a difference in your life.  I’m learning now that an organized life really does lead to saving money!


It is because of Flylady that I am a regular menu maker and why I still take 15 minutes a day to clean up a “hotspot’ in the house.  Good stuff here…give it a look…and THANKS FLYLADY!  And thanks to those of you who have reminded me to get back to checking in with her!


  • Reply CanadianKate |

    I’ve been following Flylady from the very beginning, back in the late 90s.

    For me the biggest gift was habits/routines. When my mom died I was able to host a big luncheon after the funeral because, through all the lead-up to her death, I was doing my routines.

    A few years later I had a really bad 2 years (my dad, dmil, and dfil died over 11 months, then I ended up disabled for a while and as I was starting to walk again my dh was diagnosed with prostate cancer.) I only did a bare minimum of my routine (bed made, dishes done, sweeping from time to time and the occasional houseclean when I could) but it was enough that when I finally started to come out of the bad times, things weren’t overwhelming. They were dull around the edges but the state of my house didn’t add to my woes.

    Now that I’m on the road all the time, I still make my bed daily, even when in a hotel, and I spiff the bathroom and tidy the room before heading off for the day. I figure if I don’t keep those daily routines, I’ll lose them when I get back home!

    • Reply Claire |

      Your bad years are a perfect description of the impact my divorce and now early years of remarriage have done to my routines. Dull around the edges…now I find myself getting back to the routines slow but sure sometimes just to re-center! Thanks for the tip on bringing the routines to the hotel! That’s a great idea!

So, what do you think ?