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The Debt Trap Series


The New York Times recently published a series of articles and resources about debt aptly named, “The Debt Trap.” I’ve only gone through some of it, but wanted to let everyone else know about it. Another blogger did a great recap:

Recap at I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Ramit picks out the highlights and provides direct links to interesting sections. Once I have some more time, I plan on reading through the whole thing. I’m not sure if it’s a side effect of the new medications I am on or what – but I have been so tired the past few days. I lay down to relax and end up taking a 3+ hour nap. Fatigue is not a known side effect so I’ll be touching base about this with my doctor during our visit this week.


  • Reply raj |

    Follow the essential habits to avoid financial disaster.


So, what do you think ?