:::: MENU ::::

Net Worth Update – Up $1,068


Time to get back into the groove of things and take a look and see how we did with August’s net worth.

My NetWorth IQ Profile (also shows all of our debt, since I only track credit card debt on here)

Three words come to mind when I see that we increased our net worth by over a $1,000 in August…I can’t complain. For having increased expenses this month, we still did quite well. Don’t worry, I know I still owe my spending report for July. I actually have all of the information for August ready so I’ll be posting both shortly.

This weekend, to help keep my mind calm, I cleaned and started a new organizational scheme for all of our financial stuff. A big part of that was finally getting rid of many of the older receipts I had. While doing that, I found every receipt I needed for July and August so it worked out well.

As a note, I just want to say thank you to everyone who left a comment about the loss of my friend. I also thank those who wanted to leave a comment but were not quite sure what to say (I’m one of those people…so I understand). It means a lot to me, more than you will probably ever know.


  • Reply danielle |

    Is that thousand in cash form? Maybe take it and pay down your debt to under 20K??? I have been really rooting for you to get to that amount.

  • Reply Matt |

    Congrats on the increase in net worth! I find that mine jumps up and down depending on which part of the month I tally it up in (ahh interest payments). Keep up the great work!

  • Reply Everyday Weekender |

    Congrats on the increase!.. its always good to see how others are doing 🙂

  • Reply John |

    Excellent work! Your progress has been inspiring. I hope to do as well in the coming months!

  • Reply Mrs. Micah |

    That’s wonderful. People like you give me hope. And I’m not even in debt myself (but hubby has student loans).

    Thanks for posting the link to your NetWorth. I think hubby and I should do that sometime. It’s a good idea.


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