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My Reading for the Next Few Days or So


I received a gift certificate for Barnes and Noble a few months ago, which spurred my post on Gift Certificate-paresis. I’m glad to report that I finally placed an order and I received the first of the four books I ordered in the mail today (I bought used to get more bang for my buck ;).

The one I received today I have read much about and I am just itching to dive into it. It’s “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. I’ve already peeked at the first few pages, and I like what I see so far. I have a feeling that this could be one of the books that I read in a few sittings.

Of course, when I am finished I will sit down and share my thoughts about the book with everyone πŸ™‚


  • Reply yjm28 |

    I noticed on your “Where My Money Goes” page that part of your monthly expenses goes to smoking. Wouldn’t it make sense to quit and save that extra money if you are really trying to paydown your debt?


  • Reply Tricia |

    I did get into the book about 60 pages yesterday and it does really make you think about things. I probably will try to get my hands on the Millioniare Mind book now that I know it’s out there. Thanks for mentioning it.

    BTW – Congrats on graduating! πŸ™‚

  • Reply Rick Maher |

    The Millionaire Next Door was great, but The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley is even better!

So, what do you think ?