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Posts tagged with: economy

Prioritizing Self


My whole life has changed. I’ve hinted at it, written about it, cried about it…all the things.

But for the first time, I think ever, I come first. And for some reason that I can’t pinpoint, I really started taking, taking care of myself seriously about 2 months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I dabbled a bit in self care over the years, off and on. But never consistently.

But now…it’s a daily focus. Every day. First thing.

hope sitting at a local lake with her dog

Every morning, I’m up before the sun. And at the lake with a dog. We are walking. I am listening to music, podcast, talking to God. Screaming. And then sitting and just breathing.

Those who have read my life here all these years know that I have been through all sorts of ups and downs. Many of my own making, some completely out of my control. I always put what I believe was best for my kids first. Truly nothing else mattered.

But now…now it’s about me. What’s best for me. Walking clears my head. Being proud of 10,000 steps before 7am starts out every day strong. And when I get home, I sit with God and I ask for wisdom, a clear path. Then I dive into the day beginning with reviewing my finances before work.

I’ve finally started to decide on some things for “post kids to support” which will officially be a thing a year from now. Princess will have graduated, have a full time job (she’s got a post-grad offer with a fantastic salary,) and be paying all her own bills.

I have decided to go to Texas this next month. I’m driving and leaving the trip open ended, but expecting to be there 2-3 weeks. I can work from anywhere so no challenges there. My life is changing. I’m ready for it.

And God, I love my mornings at the lake. (And I’ve learned that going so early with nothing planned for hours makes all the difference in the book. It’s me time and I’m not rushing it for anything or anyone anymore. It’s me time.)

The Summer Projects are Complete


We have completed the checklist created in the Spring of summer yard projects. And I am so pleased!

The culmination was last week when we power washed (borrowed a power washer from my Uncle) and sealed the deck. The cost of supplies was $187. And the labor cost was ____ (still waiting for my daughter’s friend to send me his hours). But it looks so good…see for yourself!

As I walked around the property, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for all that we got done. The end result is a yard that is:

  • Full of edible plants…blueberries, salad fixings, herbs, and so on.
  • Less than 1/2 now needs to be maintained on a regular basis. We’ve been able to decrease the grassy area by about half.
  • Dealt with the flooding issue caused by an overgrown culvert.
  • Leveled and landscaped pathway from my carport to the back deck which significantly cut down on the tripping hazards (especially for me) and the mud the dogs will track into the house.
  • Huge shade bed landscaped and with a significant weed barrier.

The final spend was $56 which was 10 bags of mulch, 4 bags of white marble rocks, and some landscape stakes.

What do you think of the results? It’s been lots and lots of sweat equity, lots and lots of cardboard collected (with permission) from my part time job to use as weed barrier, pallets from a friends job, and constantly watching Facebook marketplace for supplies for free or cheap.

But I am so please and proud of myself! And grateful. Now if only the cooler weather would hurry along so I can enjoy my outdoor living space.