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Be Wary of These Potential Finance Issues as an Industrial Business Owner


From the point at which you start your business, it’s important to know the best ways to safeguard your money. With research, you can learn what to do and what not to do so that your business is not exposed to unnecessary risks. You can make better money decisions in this case, so take a look at some of the potential financial issues that you could come across as an industrial business owner and make the best decisions.

Failure to Keep Your Business Safe

One of the biggest issues that you could face as an industrial business owner is not keeping your business premises safe. This predisposes you to issues such as ending up with either an employee or a customer injured while they’re at your place of business. In such a case, you may end up having to make compensations that will depend on the specific outcome of an incident at your workplace. You could even end up with a wrongful death claim, which is a lawsuit that’s filed in civil court as opposed to a criminal court. It claims that a person or a company is to blame for the death of another person, and it can leave you with financial and legal issues, as well as have an impact on your business reputation.

Not Having Proper Insurance Coverage

As a business owner, you need to find out the right insurance coverage so that you can safeguard your business from a number of issues, including damage. With the right coverage, you may not have to pay out of pocket to fix damage that occurs to your business premises. You can also be safe in case you’re faced with a personal injury claim. Note that under Ohio Revised Code §2305 10 (A), according to Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, you have to bring your personal injury claim within a period of two years from the date on which you were injured, with a few exceptions. The amounts that are paid out in such cases can range from reasonably low to high, so it’s best to have the backing of reliable insurance for your business that will step in in scenarios like these.

Failing to Comply with the Law

If your business fails to comply with the law, you cannot be granted any exceptions even if you simply didn’t know. This makes it mandatory to learn about the laws that apply to your industry, something that you can figure out with the help of the right professional. For example, you may not be aware of the details that go into safe and proper waste disposal, which is something that attracts a significant fine if it’s not adhered to. This is an effort that the government makes to help safeguard the environment, with about 70% of industrial waste dumped into water bodies where it pollutes the water supply. To keep the occurrences of this to a minimum, there are laws in place that govern industrial waste disposal.

Poor Marketing

Last but not least, poor marketing can cause your business to suffer. That’s because you won’t be able to reach your target market and inspire them to convert to paying customers. A business that doesn’t grow is not going to be in operation for a long time, and that’s why it’s a good idea to hire the best marketers that you can find. The money that you spend on marketing is sure to be earned back when you win over more customers, especially if you work with a team of capable professionals.

Stay aware of these and other issues that could lead to a loss for your business. By doing so, you can be assured of helping your business to prosper and make good profits. Don’t hesitate to hire professionals to help you make decisions, especially where money is concerned, since this can save you a lot of trouble down the road.

Spring Cleaning, Home Maintenance, and Learning to Drive


Spring cleaning

Recently my partner and I have been in spring cleaning and home maintenance mode. We’ve had some nicer weather the past few weeks and the black flies haven’t come out yet, so we’ve been doing lots of yard maintenance.

We finally managed to mulch the flower garden in front of our house, which we planned to do last year but never got around to. We had the mulch and the time, but we just couldn’t get our butts in gear! Motivation used to be a problem for us, especially when it came to house projects. So I’m pretty proud we’ve managed to get the house in such good shape even though we’ve been really busy with life and work.

What We’ve Done So Far

In addition to mulching the garden, we’ve used our weekends to recaulk one of the showers, replace a broken shower head, reorganize the basement and attic, repaint the front steps, powerwash, and fix the lattice skirting around the bottom of the porch. I’m tired just writing all that out! All we had to buy was a $50 shower head and some caulk—the rest was just sweat equity and elbow grease.

Plus, we had a big gap in our kitchen counters where they met the wall, so they never sat flush. The gap was due to a weird aux cord that the old owners installed. I think they had some kind of TV there and thought hiding the cord was worth ruining the countertops. It took a whole lot of caulk, but now they look so much better… you can hardly tell there was ever an issue!

We’re still hoping to repaint the primary bathroom with some pretty light blue paint that we already have to spruce it up. But I think that’s about all that’s left on our spring projects list. The house has never been so clean without some kind of company coming!

Learning to Drive

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it on here before, but I actually don’t know how to drive. I’ve held off on learning because of my health problems. I got sick as a teenager and used to struggle with dizziness much more often, to the point where I’d get close to fainting. My doctor was fine with the idea of me driving because I mainly have issues while standing. People with dysautonomia aren’t usually forbidden from driving. I just didn’t feel comfortable with it yet and wanted to get my symptoms under control before getting behind the wheel.

I’ve made so much progress on my health and found so many treatments to improve my symptoms that I think I’m finally ready! I’ve been reading the driver’s manual and am hoping to take the written test within a month or two. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes!

Just to be clear, we’re still planning to only have one car. I don’t need to drive for my job since I work from home, so there’s no reason to be a two-car household. I just think it’s important to drive for my own independence and in case of emergencies. My partner is happy to chauffeur me around, but I’m excited to be able to run errands solo if I want to.

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Making Summer Plans

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