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First Time Sick Solo


This weekend I came down with some type of terrible illness. Not sure if it’s the flu or what? Saturday I was totally fine. Sunday I started to feel weak and achy. By Sunday night, I had a fever of 102 and I was burning up (but also freezing cold). I could barely move, my head was pounding, and I was so dizzy and disoriented from the fever that I couldn’t even think coherently. I kept “passing out” (for lack of a better term) on the living room couch while the kids – bless their hearts – did their best to play quietly and entertain themselves.

I went to sleep at the same time as the girls (8pm), but just tossed and turned all night long. By morning, I woke up totally soaked – I’d sweated right through my pajamas.

This is my first time to be sick totally solo. It sucks.

Thankfully, the girls’ dad and I are still working amicably together. I texted him that I wasn’t doing well Sunday afternoon and he offered to help, if needed. By middle-of-the-night when it was clear I was NOT going to be able to just “sleep it off” I texted that things had gotten worse. He replied that he’d come get the girls for a few hours during the day today (until he has to go to work this afternoon). It’s only a few hours reprieve, but that’s better than nothing. Thankful for an amicable co-parenting relationship.

That being said, we’ve also had lots of talks about moving forward with the legal separation. I’m not going to comment on it much more while things are still “ongoing”, but I’ll definitely give answers and explanations once things have been agreed to and become legal. My mom thinks it’s the stress of all this “stuff” that has caused my illness. I don’t know. It’s already flu season so it’s hard to tell if I was exposed to something or if my immune system is down due to stress, etc.

Either way – it’s a pretty crappy way to start the Fall Break week! The girls are off school all week and we’d had all kinds of fun free things planned. We had a playdate today (which I had to cancel), another one tomorrow (that I’m hoping we’ll still be able to make). We have plans to go to the library, the Desert Museum (we have a family membership that was gifted by my mom), parks, etc. The weather has FINALLY started to cool down here, so we’re excited to get outside. You know…when I can actually stand again. Ugh!

Wish me a speedy recovery! Luckily, I’d gone grocery shopping on Saturday before the sickness hit, so I’m stocked up on food. Last night (when I was seriously near-death-status), I just heated up a frozen pizza for the girls for dinner. Tonight, I’m hopeful I can rally enough to throw some stuff in the Crock Pot to make soup or stew for dinner. Being sick is the pits. Being sick as a single parent is even worse. Again – so grateful that the kids’ dad is able to help a bit!

I hope you all have a healthy start to the work week!

Hope’s Anticipate Spending – Week of 10/5


I’m afraid these posts are going to get a bit boring during this month of no extra spending. But to keep me accountable, I’m going to keep publishing them.  This upcoming week will be our first with no after school practices, no games and only one day of gymnastics. It’s going to be our new normal for a while.

I’m excited.

Anticipated Spending

Income *after taxes$1,464


I’ll be honest, I’m looking forward to the downtime. And I’ve decided not to plan anything for this first week during our after school hours and just follow the kids lead. They may need the time to decompress after such a busy couple of months. But rest assured, at the first sign of boredom, this mama has got a list of fun stuff we can do at home for free!

Is it bad that I’m excited to just have some chill time? Looking forward to lazing around, just a little bit!

Family Celebration

In regards to the family celebration, I appreciate everyone’s suggestions on my post last week. We are going to celebrate on either Monday or Tuesday this coming week (waiting on Sea Cadet’s work schedule to decide.) It’s fall break for the public schools so Princess is home those two days.

I’m working on a personalized gift for each of them. This will be the something they get to keep. Our family experience (fostering and adopting) affected each of them in a different way. They each had a unique perspective and different things they had to overcome as we blended our family. I want to highlight and celebrate that for each of them.

Are you coming to a break in your schedule like we are, in between sports seasons? Or are you still full steam ahead? Do you have a unique family celebration you do? What does that look like?