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Time Freedom: Building a Life You Love


Time freedom

When every day becomes a struggle to feel motivated, joyful, and grateful, then we know there is a problem. We have a right to be happy, but we have this innate ability to focus on all of our struggles. We come home day after day and complain about our jobs, bosses, and coworkers. Spend time with some moms, and you will hear about every annoying thing their child does and the distance in their marriages. If you have done these through postings on Facebook or conversations with your best friends, it is time to look at how you are living and rebuild. You deserve to experience joy and experience struggles with a sense of gratitude once you get through them.

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How I Make Ends Meet as a Freelancer With Unpredictable Pay


make ends meet

I’ve been a full-time freelance writer and web designer for 11 years now. For some of that time, I was married, and my then-husband worked full-time, so I was able to lean on his income during the times when my clients didn’t pay according to the terms of our arrangement. Also, for some of that time, my ex-husband was a full-time student, and I was able to keep us afloat while he earned his culinary degree.

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