by Ashley
Has everyone heard the news about Zaycon Fresh???
They suddenly closed their doors on Monday, posting the following message on their website:
I’ve heard from customers that emails and calls are not being returned, but who knows what will happen in the future.
I was super curious what was going on with this. A previous blogger here at BAD had talked about using Zaycon to save money buying meat in bulk. I’ve looked into it a couple times and have ALMOST pulled the trigger in placing an order. But ultimately, I felt like I could find meat on sale for cheaper than the prices listed on Zaycon’s website and so for that reason I never went through with it.
This was interesting, though, as I have a couple friends who swear by Zaycon and they’ve been noting that their delivery dates have continued to be pushed back again and again in recent months.
In doing some googling, there was very little word about Zaycon’s sudden closure from them. However, I googled “Zaycon lawsuit” and, connecting a few dots, I think I can tell what occurred. I won’t say anything definitive as I don’t know anything for sure. But I can tell from my googling that Zaycon has been involved in litigation with one of their former top executives for awhile. There’s a whole reddit thread dedicated to the drama.
What does it mean for you???
Well, if you didn’t use Zaycon, then nothing! But if you’ve used Zaycon – especially if you still currently have orders placed that have not been fulfilled – you likely won’t be receiving your meat. The best advice seems to be to contact your bank to try to dispute the charges. This is likely the best (and possibly the only) chance at getting any money back from unfulfilled orders.
I hope the readers here didn’t have a lot of money tied up in outstanding Zaycon meat orders!

Hi, I’m Ashley! Arizonan on paper, Texan at heart. Lover of running, blogging, and all things cheeeeese. Early 40s, married mother of two, working in academia. Trying to finally (finally!) pay off that ridiculous 6-digit student loan debt!
I had checked them out also but decided to shop sales instead. This week I can get a 10 lb bag of chicken legs/thighs for $3.99!
Heck yeah! That’s what I’m talking about! That’s a great deal for 10 lbs. of meat!
We have purchased from them and no complaints. Prices were great and food was as well. We did have one order being pushed off every month. Another order was for a pick up in October! I now wonder if the October order was a ploy to get more cash from customers for this pending lawsuit….
Anywho, we called our credit card companies and were told that they’ve been fielding these calls all day. We did get refunds.
We didn’t have a lot of money out for this- $151…There are people who had double and triple the amount of cash spent and in waiting for the orders. We were lucky that our cc refunded our money and I hope other customers have the same luck.
Glad you were able to get refunded through your CC!
I used Zaycon Fresh and have 4 unfulfilled orders. My MIL has one. I actually found out the news from her when she texted me saying ‘Guess we won’t be getting our chicken.’ I only have $160 across my four orders from deals they had, so it’s not like I’m out a super exorbitant amount. Fortunately, I did pay on a credit card, so I’m going to dispute those charges today. It’s unfortunate because not only was it quality meat, but in my area where $1.99 chicken breast is a great sale, ZF routinely beat that with $1.49 deals and most recently .99 (2 of my outstanding orders were $40 for 40 lbs. of chicken).
Oh darn! .99/lb would be a phenomenal deal for chicken breasts! Glad you paid with a CC so you can dispute the charges and hopefully get your money back from the bank!
This is disappointing. I have been really happy with the quality and prices of Zaycon products. Bummer!