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10 Things I Am Thankful For This Morning $100 Giveaway


When it comes to personal finances, and especially trying to get out of debt, we sometimes focus so much on the money, or lack thereof, that we forget to appreciate the little things that are around us. The funny thing is, the reason that we want to get out of debt is so that we can appreciate those little things without the worry of the debt over our heads. I think it’s important to step back sometimes and realize that even with all the stress that comes with trying to dig your way out of debt, there are huge number of things to be thankful for as well. They are around us on a daily basis if we just take a little time to think about it and appreciate them. I am writing this while I eat lunch, and here are 10 things that I was thankful for this morning:

Indoor Toilet

I don’t think that you can ever really appreciate how wonderful an indoor toilet is until you live in a place where they don’t have one. If you think that crawling out from under your covers to walk to the bathroom in your house on a cold morning is terrible, it’s 100 times worse to have to actually walk outside to an outhouse. I know this because I was in such a situation for approximately 3 months while living overseas. Ever since that stint, I have always been extremely thankful for all indoor plumbing each morning when I have to relieve myself.


I still think that it’s a complete disgrace that in a country that is as rich as ours, there are still people who go hungry. There are many more who don’t live in the United States who have no idea when or from where their next meal is going to come. I am extremely thankful that when I get up in the morning, not only do I have food, but I have a variety of choices of what I want to eat. I think it’s important to remember that something that most of us take for granted is not the case for many in the world.

Hot Water

I must admit that one of my everyday splurges is a hot shower. I just really, really like them. The fact that I can have one on a daily basis is something that I am extremely thankful for.


I make my living on the internet, and being able to do so gives me a lot more freedom than I could have in most other jobs. The internet also give me the ability to have business VOIP. I am basically a digital nomad meaning that I travel full-time. As long as I have an Internet connection, I can work anywhere. This allows me to travel to visit family, friends, and explore many places that I have always wanted to visit. It’s hard for me to imagine a more perfect job, and it would not be possible without the Internet.


I love being surprised, and I find these wonders in nature all the time. This morning while I was taking my morning walk, I came across this red tail hawk perched in a tree looking over an open field:

red tail hawk

It was a wonderful morning surprise, and I spent a good half hour just watching him. It’s these little unexpected things that happened which alter my daily routine that makes me look forward to each and every day.

Central Heat

I lived for over 10 years in Japan in houses that didn’t have central heat. Hearing the furnace kicked on in the early morning, and knowing that when I crawl out from under the covers the house will already be warmed is a wonderful feeling. Sitting up late at night working on the computer comfortably, instead of huddling next to a small space heater is a wonderful feeling. For anyone who has had to live in a house without central air or central heat, they can probably tell you how wonderful it is when they have it.


This morning when I went out on my daily walk, the air was crisp and cold, but the sun was out shining brightly. There’s something wonderful about a sunny day in all its brightness. It’s such a wonderful feeling when the warmth of the sun’s rays breaks through the crisp coldness of the day. At one point, I stopped and turned my face directly to the sun and just stood there with my eyes close feeling the warmth of the rays hit my face. It was an amazing feeling.

Chance Meetings

As I was looking at and taking photos of the red tail hawk, parents with their children came strolling by. I would stop them and point toward the red tail hawk so that they could see it. One of the little boys that stop was quite curious and asked me a lot of questions about the bird, many of which I could answer, but also a lot that I couldn’t. As he was leaving, he thanked me for telling him what I did know about the hawk, but also said in the cutest voice that I really needed to study up a bit more so that I could answer questions that children had. I couldn’t help but smile at his earnestness, and I put learning more about red tail hawks down on my list of things to do. It was a wonderful chance meeting to have.

Overall Good Health

overall, I’m in relatively good health. I am able to do most of the things that I want to, and I can live a fairly active lifestyle. I think I appreciate this even more these days because I recently had a friend diagnosed with chronic heart failure. Her heart is currently only working about 20 to 30% of normal. Many of the things that she could once do she is no longer able to, and I know that this is something that could happen to any of us at any time. That gives me just that much more appreciation when I am able to take my daily walks and hikes.


If you think about it, each and every one of us has already won the lottery. The mere fact that we exist is extraordinarily lucky. The fact that we were born where we are makes it that much more so. Just the chance to participate in this extraordinary existence is a pretty amazing thing, and something that I’m very thankful for on a daily basis.

I’m sure that the list that you would create about what you are thankful for would be different from the one that I just listed, but I’m certain that you also have a “being thankful” list within you, whether you have thought about it much recently or not. I hope that you remember to take a few minutes each day to remember all those little things you are thankful for, and remember that they exist no matter what your financial situation.


  • Reply Adrienne N |

    Im so thankful for our couch. It brings our family together and 10 weeks without a couch was difficult!! so happy to have a gathering place again!!

  • Reply Thin-yi Hlaing |

    I’m thankful for the home that i live in eventhough it’s small. I’m thankful for my significant other since without him, I probably wouldn’t be alive!

  • Reply Jenna O |

    My family, friends and home πŸ™‚ I love my husband and the way he loves me πŸ™‚ Im so thankful for having such a nice people around me!

  • Reply Dream Mom |

    I am thankful for spending Thanksgiving at home (hopefully-my son is having neurosurgery on Monday so we’ll be home unless there are any complications). I have a severely disabled son that is medically fragile and I’ve spent many holidays in the hospital with him. I remember one year in the hospital having a ham sandwich out of a vending machine on Thanksgiving while thinking about the rest of our family celebrating together at home and eating all of the delcious homemade food. You don’t realize that being with your family and celebrating is a blessing.

    This year should be great for a few reasons: 1) last year, I started my son on a blenderized diet made from real food (he eats via a feeding tube) versus formula. This Thanksgiving will be the first time in 6 years that I get to make him a full Thanksgiving meal (blended in the blender and then he gets fed via the feeding tube). It’s a great feeling to cook a turkey and the trimmings and prepare it for him. 2) In addition, this year, I decided to make regular donations to our food pantry. I donate every 2 weeks and sent in a little larger donation earlier this month to cover Thanksgiving. They need more funds so they can provide a Thanksgiving meal for those families. Knowing that I helped someone else eat this month, who doesn’t have food, will make this Thanksgiving even better. I plan on donating a little more prior to every holiday and next year I am hoping to double my donations.

  • Reply sandra J |

    I’m thankful my Mother is traveling from out of state to visit for the Holiday πŸ™‚

  • Reply Susan |

    I’m thankful that our country still celebrates a holiday that is not over commercialized and is one that reminds us to thank God for all good things.

  • Reply Michelle |

    Thankful for life and health and amazing friends. My family had to evacuate our home because of Hurricane Sandy. Our basement was flooded with 6 feet of water. The electrical box, hot water heater and furnace are all damaged. My parents are staying with friends and my brother is staying with me. I am thankful that our damage was minimal compared to others. I am thankful that we have friends who offered their home to us. Thankful for the apartment I am renting so I did not have to impose on my friend’s generosity. Prayerful that in 2-3 weeks time the basement will have been cleaned out, sanitized and new equipment put in so everyone can be back in the home we grew up in.

  • Reply Duane |

    I am so very thankful that I finally GOT IT! For many years, I was a debtor. I went to work to pay of my debts. I had no idea what I was doing and I didn’t realize that debt hole was getting deeper and deeper.
    Almost 2 years ago, I am very thankful that I decided to lose weight. I am thankful I went to the gym to begin the process of shedding some pounds. While at the gym, I am SO THANKFUL that I ran into a brilliant and beautiful woman that loathes debt. I am so thankful she allowed me to get to know her. Over the past 2 years, she has shared with me her beliefs on debt and because of her, I am so thankful I am finally reducing my debt rathe than creating more. Through her intelligence, experience, and advice, I FINALLY GOT IT!!
    Now, I am on the road to recovery and one day within the next year, I will no longer be a debtor, but an investor.
    I am very thankful for her, her companionship, her wisdom, her beauty, and her time. During this time of thanksgiving, she, and what she has taught me, is what I am most thankful for.

  • Reply Gina Lang |

    I am thankful for a Wonderful husband and 3 beautiful healthy children! I am very blessed no matter what my checkbook says!

  • Reply Karen W. |

    I’m thankful for weekends. And that my family is coming into town for Thanksgiving. It’s been six months since I saw my Dad!

  • Reply Kathleen Quinlan |


  • Reply Joeanne Steras |

    I am thankful with my time with my family, my job, my ability to stay strong in situations that make me feel weak.

  • Reply Vanessa D. |

    Thankful for my family, the clothes on our back, the house we have, and the food we can eat

  • Reply Athena |

    I am thankful for my family and friends who have been there for me during the tough times, those who help me and are still helping me with losing my dad.I am also very thankful for my daughter, I thank god everyday for sending her to me, I was always told I couldnt have children and then here came my beautiful baby girl.

  • Reply Cindi Decker |

    I am thankful that my husband is still here and feeling pretty well even though he has stage 4 lymphoma. And I am thankful that we are able to spend the winter in Arizona so he can golf everyday.

  • Reply Christine Waddell |

    I am thankful for my daughters, sons-in-law, grandson, granddaughter and grandbaby #3! I am thankful I was able to retire to take care of my grandson. I am thankful for the rest of my family and friends.

  • Reply MG |

    I’m thankful for my job. I had a failed business (I tried for four years to make it profitable but finally had to close it) and in 2009 I lost my business, my house, my dog, and was hit twice by others – totaling my paid-for car both times! My life was like a bad country song…I was sleeping on my brother’s couch and driving a borrowed car for a year while I worked as a temp at the post office, making $9/hour until I was hired as an engineer. I am now making the same salary as when I was laid off in 2004, but living frugally and the miracle of garnishments has allowed me to pay back nearly $40k of my debt. I have a long way to go, but I have a job, a roof over my head, food in my cupboard and a family that loves me no matter what.

    I’m pretty darn lucky and oh so thankful for all I have!

  • Reply Rebecca Sinclair |

    Thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ ultimately, because without Him I would be nothing.

  • Reply Taryn Pasco |

    I am thankful for my wonderful loving family and that we are all healthy. I’m also thankful that my husband has a good job in these tough times to keep a roof over our heads πŸ™‚

  • Reply joanne gentry |

    I have so many things to be thankful for, a healthy family to start…6 awesome adult children, and 3 beautiful grandchildren. I have sisters and brothers, and their families, who watch over each other….a roof over my head and food in the house. I am blessed and so very grateful. God bless you all.

  • Reply Michelle.A. |

    It’s been a rough year. So, right now I’m thankful most for the people in my life. My family and my friends make me feel grateful daily.

  • Reply tracy simms |

    I am thankful for my family, friends, and for all of us being healthy..thank you for all u do!!

  • Reply Wendy Pence |

    I am thankful to BE HERE. I was in my house in Feb. when a tornado destroyed it. My husband was at work & my kids were at school, thankfully. It was terrifying. We have built a new home and are all together. So, I am thankful that our children do not have to grow up without me in their lives. My Dad died in a car accident when I was 10, so I know what that’s like & I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! :0)

So, what do you think ?