:::: MENU ::::

Debt Update…


It’s time to update our numbers! Our progress slowed but at least we continued to move in the right direction.

We’re nearly halfway through our debt free journey!

Original Debt: $38,495.86
Paid: $18,212.82
Remaining: $20,283.04

Broken Down
Auto Loan 1: $0
Credit Card: $0
Student Loan: $9,608.58
Auto Loan 2: $10,674.46


  • Reply NYGIRL |

    Considering the brief period of unemployment, I think you did really well! You stayed focused and continued on the debt free journey. Congratulations!

  • Reply April B |

    Congratulations! What a great accomplishment! I hope to be in your financial shoes one day. 🙂

  • Reply Money Man |

    Well done on paying down your debts. It looks like you are making some good progress. 🙂

  • Reply Greg in Ohio |

    Just found your blog today. I was looking for success stories on paying down debt and this was at the top of the google search! Hey Beks, you and I are both around the half way point in our quest to be debt free. My wife also lost her job about 8 months ago, thankfully it was just a part time job, so the hit wasn’t too bad. We started out with nearly $21K in credit card debt spread amongst 9 different accounts. We were able to get into a credit couseling program (some are good, some aren’t so good) around March 2008. As of the end of this month, we will be around $11K. 2 accounts are paid off, with 2 more to be paid off in March. Hang in there, Beks, it’s all down hill from here! Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

  • Reply Kristin |

    We’ve just started our journey out of debt and reading success stories like your’s is really motivating. We’re starting with $43,000 and our goal is 2 years to be debt free. Wish me luck!

So, what do you think ?