by Tricia
EDIT: I was notified on October 16, 2007 that the referral email no longer works.
If you are male and over the age of 18, then Pinecone Research could use you for some surveys! An email that they just sent me explains how they are growing and need more members in this demographic.
If you are unfamiliar with Pinecone Research, they are a very desirable company to do surveys for. I’ve been a member there for a few years now. The surveys are pretty easy and you get a flat $5 via PayPal or check for each one you do. Sometimes, you even get to try new products and give your thoughts about them before they hit the market. I’ve always been paid in a timely manner.
If interested in signing up, please contact me and I’ll send you the email with the referral link. I am not compensated for sending you the referral link, but I’ll be pretty happy that I helped someone make a few extra bucks 🙂
An important note…only one person per household may register. So, if someone else in your household is registered, you cannot also register. The email with the referral will give all of the details.
So, what do you think ?