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Buying an Elephant, 9 Words Women Use and a Fan Who May Owe a Whole Lotta Money


As far as I know, tomorrow is a “go” to have another garage sale. The weather looks like it will be good in the morning (late afternoon looks like rain) so we are going to go for it. I plan on waking up super early and we are going to be open for 8 a.m. this time. I’m setting two alarm clocks to make sure I get up at 5:30 a.m.

We are definitely more prepared this time and we have more tables lined up. I’m excited to get rid of more stuff and make some money! We could use it after some home repairs we’ve had to pay for lately.

Now, onto some articles I enjoyed this week:

Golbguru has an interesting post about An Elephant For A Dollar Down And Easy Weekly Payments.

Dedicated shares 9 Words Women Use. Not exactly personal finance related, but spot-on and funny!

Flexo explains how the fan who caught Barry Bond’s 756th home run ball may owe $210,000. Ouch.



  • Reply Terry |

    Loved the piece on the elephant. The scary thing is, if you don’t have the elephant, you’re considered a loser. So you put yourself in debt and get an elephant to improve your image.

    Then the elephant goes out of fashion, and you have to buy a rhino. But you’re still paying off the elephant. And now you’re paying off a rhino, too.

So, what do you think ?