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Friday Blog Highlight


This week’s Friday Blog Highlight is a blog that’s been around quite a while. He writes about personal finance, and I enjoy reading it because you can really get a sense of his fun personality. It really seems like there is a person behind the blog.

Just recently, he wrote a post that every personal finance blogger should read. For those thinking about blogging about their debt reduction…make sure you read this article as well:

25 Steps to a Wildly Successful Personal Finance Blog. He should know…his blog is quite popular.

This blogger is also not afraid to speak his mind. A great example of that is I Hate U-Haul Truck Rental.

So, take a visit to Blueprint for Financial Prosperity and “… watch [Jim] juggle credit cards, a mortgage, and some flaming chainsaws.” 🙂

Seriously, though. There is a ton of great information over there. Take some time and browse around.


So, what do you think ?