:::: MENU ::::

Good News…and Bad News…


Yesterday I received some great news in the mail. My Escrow Disclosure Statement for my mortgage indicated that starting July 1 our mortgage payment would now be $323 instead of $337. That extra $14/month may not seem like much but I am a believer that every little bit counts when it comes to paying down your debt.

Now the bad news…

My frugal glasses took a major blow and are damaged beyond repair. Right now my damaged lenses are in a pair of very ill fitting frames just so I can see to function. I can’t wear these ones out of the house. I do have some older pairs of contacts that I have kept for occasions such as this, so will bring them out of retirement and wear them when I need to. Come Monday morning I will be making an appointment for an eye exam and paying the money for a new pair of glasses.

I guess in a way I feel defeated that my frugal glasses didn’t last longer. But really, they’ve lasted me a year and it was during a time where I would have to put the cost on a credit card. This time around, I will have the cash to get them. It’s the extra cash that would be going to the credit cards to keep with my debt reduction plan, but I have to remember that there will be some bumps along the way to becoming debt-free. You just have to keep your head up and keep chugging along 🙂

So, what do you think ?