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Carnival of Debt Reduction is Up!


NCN at the No Credit Needed Blog is hosting this week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction and he’s even made it a podcast! Go check it out!

My favorite this week comes from My Financial Awareness, Anger and Blame will not Change the Situation.

Here’s a quote from the article “…if you think anger and blame will solve the problem (any problem you have), you will just find yourself woven tighter in the issue without a light at the end of the tunnel.”

I catch myself whenever I start to say that my credit cards are evil and essentially place blame for my debt on them. Yes, some of their tactics have been questionable, but in the end it was I who decided to use them to pay for purchases. I was the one spending money beyond my means. Instead of placing blame, I am now taking that energy and working on solutions to my problem (earning more money & spending less money). And let me tell you, just changing my approach to the problem has made a huge difference.

My Immediate Goals (a.k.a. My “To-Do” List)


I have been dragging my feet on a few things, so please don’t mind me. I have to get these written down and out of my head because its it’s time to commit to getting them done!

1.) Call one company to get application for life insurance.

2.) Fill out application for another company for other life insurance.

3.) Get application going for health insurance. (we now have it! :))

4.) Call junkyard about old truck in garage and get rid of it.

5.) Call repair companies to get estimates on the repairs on the house. (just have to get them to commit to a day)

6.) Call to see if my car really has been recalled. (Unfortunately, yes)

I’m sure more will be added as I remember them…