:::: MENU ::::

Hey, Tricia…It’s Your Pal, Your Credit Card


Oh my gosh, I received probably the weirdest thing in the mail today from one of our credit cards. I think I would consider it a sneaky attempt to get you to use your card!

Because I’m not sure if I can put the wording in full here on my blog, I will give you the basic idea.

It’s a letter from my credit card. It’s saying that is misses me and we should do something together. Maybe go to a new fancy restaurant or go on a kayaking trip (fresh air will do it good). It’s telling me we should live life a little.

Here’s my response to my “pal”….

Live life a little? By paying for things that I cannot afford? I’m sure you are mightly lonely now since you haven’t been used in some time so please don’t take this too personal. I’m just choosing to pay cash for things so I don’t end up paying mega interest charges just to live a little now. Sorry…but I’m a little older now and a little wiser.

Anyone else have a message they would like to give to their “pals”?

Credit Card Debt Update = $26,764


Here’s the latest and greatest total on our credit card debt – $26,764. We were only able to reduce it by $231 so far this month, and that is due to paying the minimum amounts due. So far, no extra money has been put towards debt this month.

The way things are looking, no extra money will be sent out until late in the month. It also will be less than I am currently shooting for. A bit of a bummer, but October is just turning out to be a very expensive month for us.

As long as we do not have to use the credit cards, it’s still a small victory in my mind.