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Friday Blog Highlight – Win a Copy of Windows Vista, Don’t Get Hosed By a Car Salesman, and an Update


Over at Dollar Buy Dollar, he’s celebrating his two month blogging anniversary by giving away a copy of Windows Vista. Stop by, enter the contest and say hi.

I was starting to think that I was going to have to buy a new car this week, and Jeremy’s article about 10 Tips for Dealing with Car Salesman To Make Sure You Don’t Get Hosed was very timely. Luckily, I only needed some repair, not a new car. There’s some great tips there, though.

May 2007 Income and Expense – Much Better than April


Oh my…it’s the 15th and I have my income and expense report ready! Yay! I’m getting better with this 🙂

Without further ado, here’s how May turned out for us. My comments are after the report.

Clothing: We ended up going to the thrift store in May to purchase some more summer clothes for my son as well as myself. I also bought some clothes to work-out in. We left the store with three brown grocery bags full of clothes so we did well. I also bought some clothing items from the department store that I won’t purchase used (undergarments).

Entertainment: $15 of this was for a carnival for my son to go to. He was so happy and it was worth every penny. I also bought a DVD to work-out to and we rented some movies to watch while I was nursing an injury.

Groceries: We ended up spending less in May for groceries and it was very close to $400. It could be that we stocked our pantry and freezer less. We’ll have to see how June turns out.

Household: Again, this category is a little higher in May due to shipping some items out. Sometimes it’s costly to live away from family.  We also purchased some tools to be able to save on doing some needed home repair ourself.

Insurance: The amount here is for my life insurance. That is due every three months unless I decide to change the frequency.

Health Insurance: Our payment is too high for health insurance. I originally got the plan we did because it had maternity coverage. I think I will be shopping for coverage without maternity. Even though I would like another child, I need some time to take care of my weight issues beforehand. Why pay the high price in the meantime? I can always go back when the time is right.

Pets: Oh my. We “adopted” a stray that took refuge in our garage during a late winter storm. We fed it and called the shelter. They said we had to put an ad in the paper and wait two weeks before they would take the cat. We were able to catch it a little while later and we brought it into the porch. Hmm…it is a she and she looks pretty plump. We never called the shelter back because we thought she was pregnant. She sure was. Right now we have her and 4 kittens to take care of. Litter and food costs are jacking up our pet costs big time. In a few weeks we can start trying to find them homes.

Recreation: One big cost here was for equipment for my son to practice sports at home so we could play with him. We did find one piece of equipment used, but it was in horrible shape so we decided to buy it new. The other big cost was for fishing licenses for my husband and I since we enjoy going fishing and I love to eat perch.

Taxes: It’s pretty high again in May because of a payment we made for what we owed.

OVERALL: By golly, even though we had major expenses in May, we managed to still have some money left over to have a positive month. Thank goodness for some extra income.

I definitely want to cut more costs and I’m going to start with the health insurance. It’s time to find a cheaper plan. I am also seriously considering stopping my 401(k) contribution.  But, we’ll see.