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Applications Away


Some years ago, maybe 4-5 years ago, I tried to get a second job here locally. I wanted one that would 1) get me out of the house and around people a bit and 2) expand my horizons outside of my bubble of computer work. My dream goal at the time was to work in the garden center at Home Depot.

I even got an interview…and then crickets! Never heard a word back, despite following up with voicemails several times. You know what’s crazy is that I used to work for a company that provided merchandisers for Home Depot, I designed software to help them do their jobs better, I learned all about their plan-o-grams for resets, and so much more.

Then more recently, I have applied for 1/2 dozen full time jobs with them…and hear nothing.

Now the point of this post is not to bash Home Depot. I would love to work for them. (One of the twins worked for them for a couple of years and it was an amazing experience for him, as I told him it would be.)

But the reality is the job hunt is not what it used to be.

I think companies post jobs just to post them. You never hear anything back from applications. And even reaching out personally to contacts/recruiters, etc. it’s just silence. I begin to wonder if these jobs are real. Seriously, seen and applied for the same job 1/2 dozen times.

And if you are lucky enough to get an interview…well, then you get ghosted. I do not understand this. At all.

I got desperate enough this weekend and wrote a “less professional” plea on LinkedIn, it went like this:

“I need a job. I want a job. And I’m very good at the variety of things that I do.

But for the past year, it’s been crickets on the job search. Literal silence.

And I do not understand it…

Before you say it’s because I’m a mom. My kids are all grown. I’m an empty nester. I can pour into a role and a team like never before. Where is my new team?

Before you say it’s because of my age, I am relatively young still. The reason my kids are all grown is because I got them old. Thank you foster care system for giving me the large family I dreamed of. Where’s my new role?

I am an excellent #2! Seriously, if you have a vision, a project, a goal. I can make it happen. I can build the team, create the plan, create a marketing strategy, build the tech stack, and drive results.

I love to be in the weeds. Technology is my love language. And people enjoy working with and for me.

If you or someone you know is looking for a driven, passionate operations or project manager, I would love to chat!

And if you are a dreamer and need a strategic consult, I am your girl! I love helping people make their dreams come true!

Let’s talk! And please share this post. I am ready for what’s next!


(And yes, I know this isn’t a professional headshot. But frankly, doing the same old is not garnering any attention so it’s time to mix it up.)”

Hope in a hat

I see people posting desperately, trying to save their house, out of work for XXX months. It’s crazy.

And what’s worse is that thusfar, not a single real job possibility. Lots of people shared my post (most also looking for work,) lots of “let’s talk” and international people wanting me to sell their services. But where are the people hiring? Why the silence?

I paid ALOT of money when I lost my dream job last summer to get my resume professionally reviewed and redone. And have not gotten a single hit on that particular resume.

I am grateful for my part time job, but it does not pay my bills. I am looking for another local part time job. But what I need is a professional, full time job. I have nothing but time and passion to put to use…this is so frustrating. The silver lining is that I only have me to support now. But man…this should be my time to shine. Anyone want to help me be great!

Taking Action to Prevent Major Costs From Ruining Your Finances


It’s important to work as hard as you possibly can to lower the chances that you might end up in debt. That’s because once you start accumulating debt, it may be extremely hard to pay it all of and get back to your regular life. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to learn about some of the things that you can and should do to prevent the possibility of major costs from ruining your finances, and some of them are outlined below.

Follow the Law

To begin with, you should know the law and follow it. That’s because failure to do this could see you paying fines or even in incarceration. These are both possible expenses that could destabilize not just your life, but the lives of your loved ones as well. While keeping within the legal expectations put in place by the government, you may learn interesting facts such as that 80% of people who are involved with the criminal legal system are legally indigent. This means that they’re not able to afford life’s necessities.

While you may be able to avoid incarceration, there may still be a cost to pay in terms of damage to your reputation. While making sure that you don’t fall afoul of the law, take measures to protect yourself further. This may involve enlisting the services of a lawyer to help you protect your rights in case you’re unfairly accused.

Plan Your Estate

Next, spare the time to make a plan for your asset. This is something that every adult of sound mind needs to do, especially if they have loved ones who depend on them. With your estate in order, you can be sure that your loved ones won’t suffer unnecessarily tying up loose ends. With a good estate plan, you could even make plans for your last rites when you’re no longer alive. This means that you can make plans to be cremated if you like, which has a national median cost of $5,150.

It’s easy enough to find a professional who can help you do this process right. It will take a short time to get everything in order, and you’re also going to learn some important things in the process. One of these is that you should update your estate plan after major life changes take place to make sure that it stays relevant and beneficial to those you wish to protect.

Get the Insurance Coverage You Need

Last but not least, remember that it’s important to prevent what you can and plan for the future. These are both possible to do by taking out the various insurance coverages that you need. This can help you stay safe and maintain your lifestyle without having to pay a massive coat out of pocket. From home insurance to health insurance, it pays to learn about the best options and start putting money towards them.

Car insurance is another coverage that you simply shouldn’t be without. This is because of the countless things that could go wrong while you’re on the roads and highways. Don’t be among the one out of eight drivers who don’t have car insurance, according to Forbes. This could see you pay a massive price to fix your vehicle or the other driver’s vehicle. In addition, you may be fined if you’re found to be responsible for the accident, and these costs clearly add up considerably.

Take note of the items outlined above to secure your finances. As a result of doing so, you may also enjoy a nice that’s considerably less stressful. Finally, you’ll set an amazing example for your children or anyone else who may be looking up to you.