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Addressing the Issue of Heat


After the heat going out right before Christmas and then again at the beginning of January, the first thing I had to address was getting heat in the house. I was able to immediately borrow some space heaters from Sunday school friends and we were able to live comfortably in our rooms while I figured out a long term solution.

I felt like I had few options and even less considering my job loss and dire financial situation. Therefore, I was just going to stick with using the space heaters and suck it up until something changes. But there was something that I hadn’t considered…the pipes in my house. Heat is used not only to keep us warm, but keep our pipes from bursting and it has already been the coldest winter since I’ve been in Georgia.

I just hadn’t though of it from this perspective. But my dad quickly pointed this out.

New Furnace for Me

Thankfully, my dad graciously offered to loan me the money for the new furnace. The total was $2,600. And the contractor was able to do it that week. So within two weeks, I had heat in my home again. And my dad, knowing my situation said that I can pay him back when I can.

Unfortunately, I did add this to my debt load. But I really couldn’t find any other way to deal with it and avoid even further expenses should my pipes burst, etc. I realize how fortunate I am to have a father who was willing to loan me that amount with no interest and timeline for repayment.

Thankfully this was the first major “emergency” I’ve had with my home since I purchased it. And hopefully with a new roof, new electric, new appliances, major work done to A/C at purchase and now a new furnace, I can avoid any additional costly issues for a little while.

An Entire Year


On February 23, 2024, it will be an entire year since I had a full time job. And over a year and a half since I had a full time job with benefits.

I walked into work on January 9th ready to go heads down on tax work and anticipated getting fully caught up over the next couple of months.

And then the other shoe dropped. My boss let me go.

Her reasoning was that she was cutting down her accounting practice so she could handle it independently and she was no longer going to need me. She was kind enough to give me 2 months severance. But all my thoughts of catching up, out the door with no notice whatsoever.

I was shook again!

And with that, it has now been an entire year that I have less than full time income. A whole year of not having enough money to even cover my basic bills.

Holding My Breathe

I had a whole slew of posts planned talking about how my No Spend Month was going and what debts I was going to pay with the extra income I was making…But all I could do was turn inward again and start holding my breathe. I had literally just caught up. I came into the year so full of hope.

And then the cycle started all over again. I mean, seriously, how many times do I have to go through this. And why me?

And while I do not tend to be superstitious, I have definitely found that the hard things do come in three’s. First my heat went out, then I lost my job…

And within a couple of days, my glasses broke. Just fell to pieces. And no, I cannot function without them. I literally cannot see. It was a rough week.

Typical me, I turned inward and went silent. Licking my wounds and trying to figure out the reasoning behind this.