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Happy New Year!


It’s a bit odd writing for a get-out-of-debt blog when so many of my own debt numbers are totally up-in-the-air for the time being. So without being able to go into too many specifics, here are my hopes for the New Year:

2019 will see the selling of our first home

While this is a bitter-sweet thing, I hope that the proceeds of the home will help pay off a substantial amount of debt (including 100% of the joint IRS tax debt + the vast majority of unsecured credit card debt). Remaining proceeds will be split and after the dust settles I’ll determine how to best use my portion. The options would be to pay more debt (e.g., student loans) or to re-invest by using it as the down payment for a new house. I know there are tax implications involved, so I’ll certainly be seeking counsel from our CPA before making any big decisions.

2019 will include more stability and predictability

While I already feel like this has happened to some extent just by moving out and gaining complete control of my day-to-day schedule, I still have a lot of big unknowns wrapped up in my separation. By way of an update, hubs and I have decided to move forward with divorce (initially, we were only seeking legal separation. That has now officially changed).

2019 will include more personal growth, rebuilding, and enhanced spirituality

Enough said. All of these things.


I wish you and yours a safe and happy New Year! <3


  • Reply Reece |

    Glad things are getting settled for you and the girls; uncertainty is no fun for anyone.
    If I could advise you on anything I would suggest paying off debt with sale proceeds and not buying a new home. Also I would remind you of the best advice for coming through a traumatic time: don’t make any huge decisions for at least a year. Add to that, keep seeing your therapist and getting good council.
    Best of luck to you and here’s hoping your 2019 is better.

  • Reply Walnut |

    I wish you all the best counsel in 2019. There’s never been a better time to have a good attorney, CPA, therapist and any other needed professional by your side.

  • Reply Kari |

    Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your story with us! I hope 2019 brings you only good things!

  • Reply Been There Done That |

    Happy New Year to you too! I hope that all the particulars work out. As mentioned, it is wise to not make any rash decisions.

    That said, I do hope that both you and Hope move forward on your debt reductions. My last comment was buried in a former post, but many of the true debt warriors are now posting in the Debt Free Community on Instagram (a site in which people can go solo and gather a huge following on their own, unlike BAD, which is more like working through a third party.) Success stories abound and true transparency is shared. I don’t feel that we always get the actual numbers with you or Hope.

  • Reply Laura |

    I sincerely hope 2019 brings many positive changes for you. I would caution against buying another house right away. Remember when your air conditioning broke and you didn’t have the money to fix it. Let that stuff be a landlord’s problem while you work on improving your financial situation.

So, what do you think ?