:::: MENU ::::

The Car is Sold! – $30K in Debt – Gone!


The van has sold! The money part won’t be done til early next week with the holiday and all, but the buyer and I have come to an agreement. The bank and I have come to an agreement. And instructions for getting everything done has been sent to the buyer.

I know I’m not supposed to count my chickens before they hatch, but guys, this is HUGE! Almost $30K of my debt will be GONE!

I will definitely be posting a numbers update next week when all the dust settles, but I wanted to share this AMAZING news with you.

I will be driving a DEBT free car, with minimal insurance and gas costs for the forseeable future. I know you only know me via posts here, but I have to tell you, that this is a HUGE step for me. I will be adding AAA this week to help with my security issues as far as driving an older used car, and if you hear of major traffic jams due to inexperienced stick shift driver…well, that’s me.

But I can already feel the HUGE weight coming off my shoulders, and I simply can’t wait to redo my budget WITHOUT the costs of this car.

Ok, enough rambling. I’m going to go spend the rest of my Christmas Eve with my kiddos…we’ve been saving for a special meal out and I’ve got a family gift that we will open tonight that I think will be a blast.

We’ll talk soon, okay?

Merry Christmas!


  • Reply Susan |

    I am very proud of you, Hope. It will be inconvenient for a while, not to have the larger vehicle, but I am sure the reduced debt load will more than make up for not much room in the car. Just like you are living small on a temporary basis, you are now driving small!!!! This is not forever, and the added bonus is the very real picture it will give to all of your children. I think this will teach them to either not get into a financial mess OR it will show them that regrouping is okay and people do come out of regrouping in a strong way. Either way, a good message!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  • Reply Jackie |

    Congrats!! That is so awesome. What a great way to start the new year. I hope your family has a awesome Christmas.

  • Reply Catherine |

    Hope, congratulations! I see how dedicated you are to your debt reduction and how you have stuck with it despite a lot of upheaval. One of the biggest obstacles to financial success – and one of the hardest things for some people to understand – is how expensive and exhausting instability can be. You have had a lot of turmoil as of late and have stayed calm, committed, and positive. You are an inspiration! Merry Christmas and God Bless.

  • Reply Candice |

    Inspiring! Your commitment to the cause, despite trying circumstances, has been so inspiring. I am so glad this bit of good fortune has come your way. Best wishes to you and your family, and Merry Christmas!

  • Reply diana |

    We drive 2 older, paid for cars. My husband drives a 2000 Mercury grand marquis (we call it the cop car). I had a van but wrecked it (which is fine since it was costing so much to keep it running, and didn’t get good gas mileage). So I took the insurance money and bought a 2006 Toyota corrolla. Right after that, my daughter decided to start playing harp. When we have to take the harp somewhere, we put the seats down and slide it in.
    You will definitely see some financial relief from having a small car. I drive a stick shift. You will get used to it.

  • Reply Jean |

    This is good news! I’m sure it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It’s a giant step in your debt reduction. Maybe you could give us a financial update once you close on the sale so we can celebrate with you how far you’ve come.

So, what do you think ?